Day 3.

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Lisa's POV:

It was Wednesday morning. I got ready to go to college. Daniel was still not talking to me but I hadn't lost any hope yet. I met him on monday in the library where I always find him. I told him that I was sorry and didn't mean anything I said that night. But of course, he was hurt and I was a jerk. It was all my fault. I told him if there's anything I regret for in my life, it was the words I said that night and he could punish me or say something mean or do anything but at least he would talk. He was listening but didn't utter a single word. I failed and I deserved it. He didn't look at me once.

But the more I'm upset about is how Nora is being the sweet caring friend for him. I can tell that it's all an act to make me jealous that he is now closer to her and sadly, I am being jealous. It was a crappy day. On Tuesday, he didn't appear in the library even once Although, I bunked two classes to sneak out to the library but he didn't come.

"Is that my lip gloss?" Kayla inquires as she comes in my room without a warning.

I jump and flinch as she says it.

"Knock before you come into my room"

"Ask before you take my stuff" she snaps at me.

"I did ask, it's not my fault that you were sleeping" I shrug as I give her back after applying it a little.

"Anyways, your bus is about to arrive, school girl. Mom is waiting downstairs" she informs before she goes out of my room.

"Close the frickin door!" I yell at her pointing towards the room door.

"Oh yeah, my bad" she comes back and slowly closes the door.. and leaves a little open again on purpose. Great! And people still want siblings in their life.


It was time for the library, the time I was eagerly waiting for. I was a little hopeless but still wanted to apologize to Daniel again.

"Here it comes, day three of apologizing Daniel for being a jerk that I am" I mumble to myself.

I look around to search for him and then I see him.. his golden wavy hair, his ocean eyes which are on the book. That astronomy book. He looks so good in a light brown button-up shirt, the sleeves of the shirt were rolled up in half which made him look even more attractive.

I sit where I can find a chair and Brittney sits beside me. "Hey, I need you teach me this unit" she says pointing towards a topic in the book.

"My brain doesn't function before ten" I state uninterested, while staring at Daniel.

"My brain doesn't function at all."

"I have more important business, we will study this later"

"Still on him? He isn't going to notice you, dear." she says while digging her head in hands.

"You are supposed to be encouraging me, dumb" I sigh.

"And you seriously need to learn how to apologize" she shakes her head as she judges me.

"Don't worry, this time, I've come prepared" I throw a fake smile while patting on her shoulder.

"Please don't do anything stupid" she fakes a smile while patting on my shoulder back.

After I glare at her with the evil smirk for few seconds, "Watch me" I say.

Suddenly, I spot Daniel shutting the book and leaving the room.

Brittney starts bursting into laughter silently as she claps her hand. "Oh my God, Oh God. This is too good! I can't" she laughs as she holds her tears back.

"I've come prepared" she mimics me while laughing awfully. I have a serious look on my face as I wait for her to stop humiliating me.

"You think It's funny?" I ask with a tired expression.

"Oh, I think it's hilarious! I loved your confidence, by the way" she says while trying hard to control her laugh.

"Remind me why are you my friend, again?" I furrow my eyebrows and give her humorless look.

"Because you don't have anyone else to be friends with. Because you are a stupid loner. Appreciate me" she places her hands behind her head as she leans back.

"What if I was suicidal? What if that was my last straw" I laugh while faking a cry.

And then we both laugh silently in the library while we hear everyone trying to shush us but everytime we look at each other we burst into laughter.

After few minutes passed, he came back.

"Hah, jokes on you" I whisper to Brittney as he comes to sit back on his seat.

"Clara hasn't come today and she has my notes.." Brittney mumbles in discouragement.


"I don't know, she just texted me she can't come today."

Clara is, well.. our classmate, she is the daughter of that weird chemistry teacher but she is very soft spoken and sweet. We both are kinda friends with her.

"Well have my notes." I take out my mathematics notes from my bag and throw at her.

I call Daniel quietly but he doesn't answer. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I whisper to him and then I.. took out a paper and a pen, and started writing what I planned.

"Is this your plan? Picking him up by cheesy pick up lines?" Brittney asks disappointedly.

"Don't judge me okay, I don't have a choice left" I say as I fold the small piece of paper and throw it into his direction.

I had written: were you arrested earlier, it's gotta be illegal to look that attractive.

He does not notice it and keeps his eyes on the astronomy book.

"Put the damn book down, Neil armstrong!" I whisper in my breath.

Then I send him another note saying; Is it hot in here or is just you?"

He looks at me and then at the notes. He opens them slowly. Yes! He responded. He reads them, he smiles a little but conceals it by biting his lip.

And then.. he looks at me.

I hold both my ear lobe and mouth him, sorry.

the class ends and everyone leaves and I lose him in the crowd.


Hey guys, I enjoyed writing this chapter I hope you enjoyed it too.

Thank you.

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