Jace, Architect of Thought Chapter V

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Chapter V

          When I woke up I was in a hospital. And my dad is here sleeping. It looks like I slept for three whole days. Someone saw the car crash and called an ambulance. It was then that I was put into the hospital and the number of my dad was in my wallet. That's how they contacted my dad. When dad woke up, we went home right after. At home, mom told me dad was worried sick and directly flew back here when he got the call.

"Tell me what happened, son" dad said.

"When you are out of the country, I found an amulet, dad" I told him.

"Amulet? Are you saying Amulet of Vigor?" he asked.

"Yes. The Amulet of Vigor" I answered.

"What did you do with it and where is it now? Dad asked.

"Tezzeret and I went to a black mage's house so I can learn black magic using the amulet. We were disguised as black mages by Tezzeret's color aura magic. But we were blown because of another telepath in the black mage's side." I answered.

"Where is the Amulet?" Dad asked.

"They got it. Tezzeret even sacrificed himself for my safety and the amulet. But they still got it." I told him.

          After that, I went back to my normal way of living, trying to forget the colors and the danger being involved in it.

             But my story is far from over.

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