Jace, Architect of Thought Chapter III

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Chapter III

          I kept doing the missions because they give me money so I was happy about it and just continued it. But then in some missions, they ask me to read the mind of a certain person. I know that the ones I read the minds are mages. And something is happening on the Planes. On some mage, someone who isn’t my target but I still read his mind; I learned the ancient artifact named Amulet of Vigor, a powerful gem in a necklace. It makes the user be able to use magic of all colors thus, making the controller be able to go inside all of the Planes that can lead to various happenings. Chaos, destruction, killings of other colors. That’s not all I learned. The Amulet of Vigor is not just one. There are five of them. And the Mystic five, the ones who created Ravnica, are now dead and before their death they casted a spell that will hide the Amulets. Until now, there is no one who had found even one of the Amulets. Amulets. Mystic five. Amulets. Mystic five. I fell unconscious, again. I woke up in my room, in the Consortium building. Consortium members brought me there after I fell unconscious in the middle of the operation. There I realized that, this is what my uncle told me before he died.

“Mystic five’s Amulets.” The last words uncle said and at that time, I was the only one who heard it and perhaps the only one who he wants to hear it.

          I went out of the room and I ran into Tezzeret.

“Jace, what happened? Why did you suddenly fell unconscious? Don’t worry about the mission even if it failed. You should rest more if you’re tired” Tezzeret said.

“Sorry Tezzeret, I don’t feel well” I told him.

          I went home and locked my room. I lay down in my bed and tried to remember the times with my uncle. I remembered him giving me a toy car as a gift at my 9th birthday. I didn’t open it because he said that “open it when the time is right”. I didn’t think about it clearly back then and I thought he just said don’t open it. I didn’t, till now. That blue toy car. Blue toy car. Blue. I asked my mom where that toy car is. She said she placed it in the attic. I went to the attic. There I saw it. I opened it and there it is. One of the Mystic five Amulets. I only knew what it looked like in the mind of the mage that I read telepathically.  I put it on and I felt a great amount of power entering inside me. What I thought is when you have the amulet you can use magic of all colors instantly, but I can’t use magic aside from the ones Tezzeret taught me. I came to the conclusion that when you have the amulet, you will only have the ability to be able to learn magic of other colors but not be able to instantly learn them. You need to be taught, by a teacher of another color. I hid the Amulet under my clothes while still wearing it. I went to the Blue Plane to find Tezzeret because he’s the only one I trust in the blue plane and dad is out of the country because of his work. I found him in his office in the Consortium building.

“Tezzeret, do you know the Amulet of Vigor?” I asked.

“Yes, I do Jace. What about it?” Tezzeret answered.

“I have one” I told him.

“WHAT?! You have one?? Where did you find it??” He bewilderedly asked.

“My uncle gave me a toy car at my 9th birthday and it was hidden inside it” I answered.

“Where is it??” He asked. I showed him the amulet.

“You do realize that it’s dangerous going out with the amulet, right? If anyone finds out you may get killed!!” He exclaimed.

“I’m sorry” I said. I didn’t know Tezzeret cared so much for me.

“What should we do? Hide it?” I asked.

“You and I now both know that one of the Amulets of Vigor is in your hands and in time it would be revealed no matter what. It may be us accidentally saying something that can lead others to think that we have an Amulet or a clue about where to find it or it can be another telepath reading our mind and knowing about it. We should take advantage of it.” Tezzeret said.

“How?” I asked.

“By using it. But your safety comes first. You should use it and learn all magic that you can learn from other colors so when you’re in danger, I’ll know that you’ll be safe.” He answered.

“It’s now too late. I’ll drive you home. Sleep right away when you get home. Tomorrow I’ll bring you to a teacher of another color” Tezzeret said.

          He drove me home and I directly went to bed. I’m going to learn magic of another color. I was excited. What color will be the first one that I will learn? I was so tired I fell asleep just after a few minutes.

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