Jace, Architect of Thought Chapter II

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Chapter II

          I finished training after a few months and I was invited by Tezzeret to go to the blue Plane. I still haven’t mastered my telepathy to know why Tezzeret wanted me to go to the blue Plane. We went and there I saw many people. Different ages, different faces but they’re all blue mages. The blue Plane was like a big city. It has buildings and towers. It also has a building like a government building. Tezzeret asked me to join Infinite Consortium.

“It is an organization that specializes in procuring all possible items clients could ask for, even merchandise from other worlds. Your telepathy would be a great help to our organization” He said with enthusiasm.

          I joined and they gave me different tasks and missions. My first mission was to slay a dragon we named Kolaghan. He was asleep for centuries, but awoken by some villagers. Kolaghan was enraged and destroyed a whole village. The village destroyed wasn’t even connected to the colors. When they were attacked they couldn’t see the dragon and they thought the fire just started because of someone’s mistake and accidentally creating the fire. The fog of Ugin really does his thing. Tezzeret drove me to the villages and we saw nothing but ashes and broken houses.

By using his locating magic, “The dragon lives in a cave in the top of a mountain” Tezzeret said.

          We hiked up. We got into the cave in one piece but that was tiresome. I didn’t know hiking was this tiring. The cave is dark and huge. But we saw the dragon and, by what we see, a red mage fighting it. The red mage threw a sphere of flame to the dragon. The dragon used its tail to deflect it. The sphere of flame flew directly to us. I dodged it, but Tezzeret being old, he was now really tired from hiking up here. I used my magic and covered him with water. But he was still hit so he flew backwards and fell down. He isn’t moving. He’s unconscious so I dragged him to a safe area. Then I turned back to the dragon. The red mage is still battling the dragon but I can see he’s already tired. When the dragon’s tail was gonna hit the red mage in the back, he didn’t see it, I froze the dragon’s tail. I want to tell him I’m on his side so I guess that’s enough. I joined the battle. I used my illusions to confuse the dragon and make the illusions his target. The dragon was kept busy by my illusions while we constantly get to attack it. It weakened the dragon. When the dragon kept taking our attacks, it got enraged. His tail and arms kept swinging randomly and the red mage got hit. His arm was bleeding. I need to kill this dragon right away.

“Hey! Create a sphere of fire!” I screamed.

“Why? I’m almost at my limit. That would take too much energy from me” He said. He’s got a cute voice. That’s weird.

“Just do it!” I told him.

He did and asked “Now what?”

“Hold still” I told him.

          My illusions are keeping the dragon busy but we already need to hurry. I don’t think I can create more illusions. I infused my blue aura into his sphere. The sphere reacted like it was going to explode. Maybe it was because of combining blue and red magic.

“Throw it now!” I screamed.

          He did. The sphere hit the dragon directly in the middle of its body, in its heart. Then the dragon exploded. I concealed us both with ice with Tezzeret inside. There I was surprised. The red mage has her hood on so I didn’t see that she was a girl. A beautiful girl. I suddenly got nervous just by being beside her. All this time I thought she was a boy. Damn it, I should have used cooler moves in the battle earlier. I saw her arm bleeding and I used my magic to cover the wound with water for it to heal quickly.

“Thanks” she told me. I got happy just by her saying thanks.

“What’s your name?” she asked.

“I’m Jace, and you’re?” I answered.

          She stood up and walked till she’s in the edge of the cave, in the entrance, and I can see she’s going to jump.

“I’m Chandra” she said, and then she jumped.

          I ran and wanted to see her more but when I got to the edge, I couldn’t see her anymore. She vanished. And just like that, my first mission ended.

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