✰my brothers gone ✰

Start from the beginning

Soldiers start yelling and we all hear footsteps coming into the entrance. Sirens whistle in the air as we all exit the mall, accompanied by soldiers.

It's official.

My brothers gone.

I'm never going to see him again.

I'm never going to hear his lame stories that he thinks are so hilarious.

I'm never going to hear his laugh when he tells a lame joke and thinks it's the most funniest thing he's ever said.

I'm never going to hear his scream as his favorite football team wins the championship.

I'm never going to hear his stories about what him and mom use to do together.

We're never going to be able to watch our favorite tv show, "Full House" together.

We're never going to be stay up until 2AM sneaking around the town.

We're never going to finish our annual weekly pillow fights.

I cant imagine life without him....

But I have too...

I'm never going to see him again.

I sit in back of an ambulance next to Will, starstruck about everything that just happened.

I rest my head on Will's shoulder, him resting his head ontop of mine.

I don't know how I'm going to get through this...

Sirens Wail, chatter and yelling of soldiers fills the air. I look around, not knowing what to do or where to go.


My heart aches so badly for y/n right now. She just lost her brother. Sure, her brother was a real jerk to her basically almost all her life... but it's her brother.

I know for sure there's some good memories, because y/n has told me about them. I love her so damn much, and I'm going to be here every step of the way to make sure she's recovering from this traumatic experience.

But then I remember....

My mom.

Where the hell is my mom?! My body starts to fill with panic as I look around for her, but not seeing her anywhere.

My body starts to shake and I start to worry. "Will, Will what's wrong?!" Y/n asks softly as she puts her hand on my shoulder. "I-I can't find my mom..." I tremble, shaking in fear.



Not possible.

There's no way Joyce didn't make it out. I'm not letting Will lose his mother. I've been down that path and trust me... it's a rough patch, I'm still battling it to this day.

But it's not just my mother I lost... it's also my brother too. The only person I have left is my dad.. but I'm not too found of him after I found out what he did to Billy all those years.

I mean.. I have Susan and Max- WAIT. Where the hell is Max?! I look around, trying to locate Joyce and Max at the same time, but then I finally see her.

She's sitting in the back of the ambulance across from us with Lucas. Steve and Robin stand beside her, talking to them. I can tell Max isn't doing good, she looks horrible.

I'm actually surprised I'm not breaking down in tears right now. Here's the denial stage. It's the stage where I deny Billy's gone. Half of me hopes that a soldier carries him out of there, saying that he's okay and he just needs to go to the hospital.

That it was just a false alarm, that he's okay. He's going to make it.

But at the same time...

I know it's not going to happen.

He's dead.

I finally get my mind somewhat off it and look for Will's mom. Tears start running down his face, worried that she may not have made it.

Not going to lie, I start panicking a little bit as well. She had to have made it, SHE HAD TO.

I look around and spot a group of soldiers coming out from the entrance, and behind them.. Murray and Joyce.

"There she is!!" I exclaim as I point to Joyce. Will doesn't hesitate for a second. He unwraps himself from the blanket we where both cuddled in and runs to his mom, giving her a huge hug.


Oh my God it feels so good to be in my moms arms again. I didn't know if she was even going to make it, let alone myself aswell.

I love her more than life. There's no way that I could've lived without her. I'm so glad I have her, I'm so glad she's here.

My mom hugs me even tighter than earlier, basically strangling me, but I don't care. I'm just grateful to be in my mothers arms, knowing that she's okay.


Both of my sons made it out alive, I'm the happiest I've ever been. But then I remember...

Hop didn't.

He's gone. I'm never going to see him again. Were never going to be able to go on our date that we planned, thinking that we would both get out alive.

But right now, I need to be grateful that both of my boys are okay, no damage done to them.

I hug Will tightly, never wanting to let go. I close my eyes and bury my head into his shoulder, quietly sobbing.

A solid three minutes later, I finally let go of him, only to see El looking around...

For Hopper, her father.

She sees me and looks at me with confusion, not knowing where he is, assuming he would be with me.

..but he wasn't.

I don't have the heart to tell Eleven her dad died. I cant do it.. I just cant.

I look at her with sympathy, tears starting to roll down my face. El then realizes...

Hoppers gone.


There's no way.

There's no way my father didn't make it out alive. Joyce looks at me with sympathy, just shaking her head and sobbing.

Then, I catch on.

Hoppers dead. My father is dead.

Tears start filling my eyes, soon pouring down my face. I cant believe this... it's not possible.

I'm feeling all types of different emotions right now. Guilt, sorrow, pain, horror, shock... all of its coming to me right now.

I just stand there in shock, frozen as Mike, Y/n, Max and Lucas stare at me. I shake my head. "No, NO." I softly whisper, not wanting to believe it.


My step- my brother. He's gone. His last words where "I'm sorry." He apologized... for everything. Everything he ever did to us, his sisters.

I was a rude jerk to him. Then, I remember all the good times we had. There isn't a lot... but there's some.

The time we both stayed up until 3AM playing "Wii Sports."

The time Billy taught me and Y/n how to play football in the front yard on thanksgiving.

The time Billy saved my life by pushing me out of a cars way, almost being hit.

And so many more... but I cant focus right now.

My brothers dead... what am I suppose to do now?


How am I going to do this? How am I going to live without Billy? Sure, he's been a rude jerk to me ever since mom died, but HES MY BROTHER.

How am I suppose to live without him? I cant do it... I cant live without him.

the best decision I've ever made|| will byers x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now