Trapped in Burning Ice (Russia POV)

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Hundreds of creepy crawlies and slithering scalies exit from their cages. Amongst them, a crocodile lumbered out, teeth gleaming, ready to draw blood. I was frozen in place, unable to think, unable to move. I glanced back at the door and registered the previously hidden and rusting warning plaque I had so carelessly ignored.

"Australia's Dangerous and Deadly Creatures. Enter If You Dare!"

A sudden spear of pain raced up my leg and I crumpled onto the floor. A scream shredded out of my throat, echoing into the night before an overwhelming cold consumed both my body and mind, leaving nothing for the pain.

(America pov)

I woke up outside on the grass with a splitting headache and the biting smell of vanilla didn't help.

"What the- what is going on?" I groaned, opening one bleary eye to see my place ablaze.


"You got drunk and unleashed that," Canada said, "And now you are in trouble, now that you've broken the agreement. At least everyone's oka-"

A strangled cry interrupted him, "WHERE'S RUSSIA!?!?" It was Ukraine and Belarus. They were both in tears, "RUSSIA! COME OUT! IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!"

I looked at my brother and his eyes darted around the crowd. Horror quickly spread across his face. He turned and stared me dead in the eye. "Russia isn't with us," he confirmed.

My heart dropped like a piece of lead. I slowly turned to stare at the burning house, "No... it can't be..."

I prayed desperately that he was not in the house, that he had maybe left the party early, that he was somewhere far away from danger. But I was told otherwise.

"Brother!" I turned to see Australia waving his phone at me, "Somebody just pressed the release button in the Danger room!"

It was clear that things had just gotten ten times worse and I clenched my teeth onto my finger (a nasty nervous habit that I thought I had gotten rid of) and thought out loud, "How the hell did he end up in there?"

My incredulous gaze blazed down upon the uncomfortable group until one trembling person spoke up.

"It was El! I overheard him giving Russia directions before he disappeared! He said it was a bathroom being renovated!"

"I- I didn't! What the fuck are you talking about?!" sputtered a flustered El Salvador.

My patience was finally up and I snapped. The sunglasses I wore crashed onto the ground as a burst of molten gold and fire lit my figure. Three- yes three, pitch-black eyes blazed in fury as I bore down at the cowering country.

"What in hell possessed you to do this," I whispered with a hauntingly calm visage. "Without thinking about the possible consequences," I raised my fist but someone else beat me to it.

El Salvador was sent sprawling by a furious woman in a bathrobe. Her usual kind magenta eyes were replaced by furious glowing ones and her Awakening was flickering on and off as she took deep breaths, attempting to calm herself down. Father stood beside his raging wife with a grim expression of scorn upon his tired face.

I returned to normal and picked up my shades, glowering at my reflection as I made up my mind.

"I'm going back in."

Canada whipped around. "You can't be serious! It's 'the fire' for crying out loud! Even you can die from it!"

"I don't care. I was the one who started it. I'll be the one to fix it, one way or another."

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