A few hours later, Mario Bravado himself came to the rescue, dismissing the crowd for us to exit the restaurant and return home. Once we reached the hideout, we took turns to wash ourselves up after a long day of travelling.

After I was done showering, I called for Trixie for her turn and headed for the common area. My slugs joined me as I sat down on the couch, attempting to solve some advanced mathematics functions that may come in handy when it comes to power and energy related stuff.

Handling a double barrel should be tough, considering that only Eli knows how to perform it, hence I was doing all the preparations I can before tomorrow's training with Eli and Mia.

Who knows what he'll make me do.

I spun my pen with my fingers as my mind tensed from overthinking the formulae when Mia approached me with a towel wrapped around her head and casual house clothes.

"Ales!" she called as she sat down beside me. I looked up from my problem-solving booklet and smiled at her. "What's up?" I said, putting my book aside and was ready to lend her a listening ear.

"Do you think Eli likes me?" she questioned, and my smile immediately faded. "I think my initiated moves are working! He's now more open and relaxed around me, and I think I finally got a chance!" Mia squealed softly, prohibiting her voice to be heard by the rest of the gang in their showers. "I've even encountered more than ten Elimia fans during our little fan meeting at Ricochet Pizza!"

She softly punched me in the shoulder as she giggled. "Come on, don't leave me hanging!" she exclaimed, looking at me with wide bright eyes. "Say something!"

"Well," I started off, my gaze landed on the group of slugs who were playing card games as a distraction from overthinking my current unexplainable wave of emotions. "It does seems like he is now more comfortable around you and is willing to have lengthy conversations. It's a good thing! But honestly... that doesn't prove that he likes you the same way you do," I explained my thoughts and she frowned.

"No offense," I chuckled softly. "I'm your friend, and for that reason I am telling you the brutal truth. He definitely likes you, just not in a romantic way, at least not yet."

She softened her frown as she nodded at me. "Guess you're right," Mia mumbled. "Thanks for sharing your perspective with me."

"Anytime," I said and smiled at her. After what seemed like a train of thought, Mia's giggly, sweet smile resurfaced, her eyes widened as a hint of blush appeared on her cheeks.

"What if I tell him how I really feel about him?" she suggested, smiling like a lunatic.

"You're crazy," I commented. "You've known him for only a little more than a month, and you're already thinking about getting together with him?"

"I mean, if I have feelings for someone I should go for it, shouldn't I?" Mia questioned with red hearts protruding from her eyes. I rolled my eyes at her childishness and sighed.

"Mia, you're flopping seventeen. Please act like one," I said, earning a punch at the shoulder from her. An actual hard punch. She huffed and crossed her arms. "Alright, mature Ales. Tell me, what am I supposed to do to win his heart?" she asked, almost demanding for an answer.

I looked at her with a straight face.

Then, her eyes landed on something behind me that made her uncrossed her arms and sat rather politely, with her legs crossed and her hands tenderly placed on her thighs. The corner of her lips raised in the slightest as she pouted, and blinked continuously for a second. I gave her a weird look, before turning to see Eli with his wet hair and towel in hand.

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