I look up at Matheo. I'm angry at him. I'm pissed. Not as much as I am with myself though.

"No more girls, no more games, you will not get out of this house unless it's for school until I say you can, no more parties, no more alcohol, no more fucking your way around, no more yelling or fighting and if you ever treat your sister like you did today Matheo, God help me because I will be fucking furious and you don't want to know what I'd do to you if it weren't because you're my son and I love you. You. Will. Respect. Your sister and treat her with the love and kindness she deserves"

He nods. "Believe me I will, dad" he whispers. I can tell he regrets it. I can tell he's beating himself up to pieces for what he's done. He knows she wasn't ready to tell us yet. She's been here for less than three fucking days dammit.

I turn to the others "Same goes for you too. I will not tolerate any sort of bad treatment towards Aurora or any of you, least of all in front of her. She's been through enough and you will all do your very best and more to make her feel safe. She's a survivor living in a house full of men, we will make sure she's comfortable and we will treat her as the damn queen she fucking is. Am I understood?"


"All clear"

"Yes sir"

"Good" I say

My little girl is still crying with her twin, after some time I hear her cries subside and I hear Atlas's footsteps up the stairs. I open the door.

He's carrying her small sleeping figure. He doesn't even have to make an effort. She's so thin and tiny. She looks frail although she's anything but.

How she can still be so kind and loving is beyond me.

We silently follow Atlas and watch as he sets her down on her bed, he puts her bunny into her arms and even though she's asleep she grabs it and hugs it tightly.

I've noticed she loves to sleep in fetal position. I don't want to leave my baby but we need to talk with Atlas who's currently glaring daggers at us. Even me.

I've never seen him so mad. I've never seen him angry at us. He looks like he wants to beat Matheo up but I know he won't. We go upstairs to my room.

"So you all heard" Atlas says

I nod and explain what the video we watched said.

"Dad, you know I love you but if you ever doubt RoRo again I will not fucking forgive you or any of you" my youngest son says and I respect the hell out of him for it.

"I won't make the same mistake again son, I can assure you none of us will" I say

"You better not" he answers with gritted teeth

"We need to take her to the hospital, we also need to set an appointment with a therapist. I don't think school should be an option right now unless it's online" Alessandro says and we agree

"Only she won't be taking any high school classes. Rora graduated a year ago and she was only going to school because Rodrigo made her. She's insanely smart and was already taking an online college course for physical therapy, she'll be finished with it in about two years " I say. She told me that this morning when she was teaching me how to make banana pancakes.

"Damn" Quinn says

"She took online college courses and managed to graduate crazy early despite everything she went through, she really is strong" Theo whispers, mostly to himself and surprising us all

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