"And then we'll— oh look who finally came.. anyways!" You hear Rumi clear her voice, standing beside a stiff Hawks once he lays eyes on you. You barely had time to notice, because you were too busy trying to catch up with the group's plans.

"Sorry guys, Rumi's being her old self!" Yuu pops up on your side, catching both you and Dabi by surprise. "oh, hi Dabi, ok so, we're free to do whatever we want for the day but we have to be in to this restaurant because we got reservations" You nod as you listen carefully, and watch as she sneaks in back to Taishiro's side.

"Great, let's go to the room"



You would've never thought that Dabi was more stubborn than you, but here you were, having problems to even get him out of the hotel. "Technically speaking, this is our first date, so I want you to take me around downtown shopping!" You chirped, tugging slightly on his thin shirt and look up at his eyes. He couldn't help but giggle at your cuteness, "My bad, I don't know how to do a date".

Everyone split their separate ways and the two of you take a taxi to travel downtown. You couldn't tell if Dabi was nervous or just downright bored, but something about him was off. You wished you knew how to cheer him up, besides sex, that is.

Finally arriving, you exhale positively with your hands on your hips. "Ready? hope you brought your credit card~" You grinned and he mocked you. You put your hand out for him to hold it. "Oh I am not doing this lovey dovey shit" He protests and you frown. "I am trying to teach you how to be a boyfriend!" is what you tell him trying to get to loosen up.

"Tch, fine, is this alright?" He clicks his tongue, grips a hand around your waist to pull you closer and pushes you to start walking. Fuck, that was hot. "You're a fast learner" You smile and lean against his body.

The day was event full, to say the least. You passed through all the tourist spots, local shops, and stop by food markets to eat. It was sweet, it felt like a dream that you'd never even imagined would happen. Dabi was here, with you, enjoying your company and tagging along with you. You felt lucky, too lucky.

"My god princess, my arms are gonna fall off"

"Suck it up, buttercup" You giggled to yourself and hear him mock your words in annoyance. The sky was now a pretty and warm pink, people were now leaving this area. "Can't believe I wore a swimsuit and we didn't even end up on the beach" You whined, punching in an order for a cab. "I'll get you wet if you want" Dabi said and you bursted out laughing, "out of all of the dirty shit you've said, that's definitely the worst".

He ignored and hopped in the car.

The car was cramped, that much was obvious. bags were all over the place and that's because the trunk was already full. Nevertheless, the driver doesn't say anything, and you're left alone to talk to Dabi.

"Did something happen?"

"I don't know what you mean"

"You're not good at hiding your feelings"

"I don't like this place"

You have a worried and confused face. What? 

"Huh?" You asked and watching his change into a better position. "I used to go here with.. my family" He explains briefly and looks outside the car window. "you have siblings?" You asked again, more shyly than before because you were stepping in unknown territory.


"Are you close with them?"


You're scared to ask any further, because you remember the last time you talked to him about his past. You remembered how he was trembling that night in your arms. A completely different side of Dabi. And you know that Dabi hates that part of himself, so you try to avoid reminding him.

You simply locked your hand with his and rested your head on his shoulder. "Kiss me" you hear him order and you look him, raising a brow. "I gave you a piece of confidential information, pay up" He smirks, losing himself in your eyes, and that's when you close in for a quick kiss.

I'm happy.

"If I have to wait one more minute for you to get dressed I'm going to roll a joint and call it a night"

"I'm almost ready, put those heels on me?"

"Well, fuck me princess"

He let his jaw drop at the sight of you. You stepped out of the bathroom in a tight and short, strapless dress, entirely embedded with swaroski crystals, with matching dangling earrings. Your hair was down, pooling on your shoulders and flawlessly showed off your chest. On your wrist you had an expensive watch, a gift from your dad, and several silver rings decorating your fingers. You were dazzling.

Dabi quickly snapped out of his daydreaming and grabbed the pair of jimmy choo heels, that were practically made to go with the dress. You sat on the edge of the bed, stretching out your legs to the male, who was sitting in a chair.

He placed his rough hands around your smooth legs, and carefully put your heels on. Your face begins to heat up once you see him leave a trail of kisses on your legs, then your soft thighs, and meet your lips. Your breath, now shaking, fuels him with confidence and he returns do your thighs, both of his hands squeezing them. With the flat of his tongue, he licked your inner thighs and teased you wet cunt, your hands finding his hair.

"Do that and we won't make it to that dinner"

He gets the message and gets off you. Clad in a silk, red long sleeved top, black pants and polished shoes, he fixes his hair and waits for you to work on the finishing touches.

"Annoying dinner, here we come" Dabi groaned out and you chuckled. With your clutch on your hand and Dabi's grip on your right hip, the two of you left off to the restaurant on the first floor.

(hii sorry for the filler, just wanted a lil fluff.. and sorry for the late update!! thank you for 10k too HUHHH tysm for all the support)

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