#25 The Call

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A couple days later, I wake up to kissing sounds and the feeling of someone's lips on my body, my neck and chest area specifically.

"Billy..." I groan and reach out for the culprit. Before I see him, I can feel him, the shape of his jaw.

I sit up. "Max?" I wonder about the girl who was snuggled up between Billy and I when we fell asleep.

"Max went to the spare room hours ago." He says.

I'm so sleepy, I yawn and he wraps his arms around me and leans back.

"Good." I close my eyes and doze on his chest.

It's been a few days since we brought Max here. I blinked El home the morning following our original venture to the Hargrove house.

It's pretty boring for the most part we can't exactly leave the house, especially since we're busy making sure Max won't escape.

"Can I just go to the Byers'?" She'll ask.

"No." We'll say.

"I can sneak in. Joyce won't see me."

"No. We don't want anyone knowing where you are and let it slip. That puts them in danger to Neil if he goes looking for you." Billy will usually growl.

And then Max will storm off.

And then Billy will say "it's like I've never been gone."

To make up for her lost time with her friends Max spends long hours on the phone secretly talking to El and the boys.

It's quite maddening.

But she still comes into our room every night at some point to check on us, to check on Billy and see if he's there. She still climbs into bed with us, right in the middle. She still falls asleep in Billy's arms, with my hand resting on her back.

And Billy still looks at her with the same concern and dare I say...love...as she does so.

▶️ We Belong by Pat Benatar (Just the chorus and then stop, the song doesn't fit the whole rest of the chapter :P)

I snap out of my reverie to Billy's kisses on my face.

I reach my lips up and he meets me in the middle, we kiss. He keeps kissing me until the kissing turns to touching, the touching to, well...you know.

Halfway through, Billy is on top of me, and we look into each other's eyes with primal lust.

Suddenly, we hear the creak of the door and we turn to face it with primal fear.

Maxine walks in declaring "I'm hungry!"

My face turns red the second I see her innocently strolling in, like she does often.

Billy yells "MAXINE, GET OUT!"

She stands by the door, frozen in shock, her face as red as her hair.

I take a pillow and throw it at her.

"Sorry." She ducks, scurries out, and slams the door.

Billy awkwardly finishes and rolls off me, laying down. We're both sweating and breathing hard.

"I knew we should've locked the door." I say. I feel my face burning up.

"I need her out of this house." Billy growls.

We hop in the shower together for five minutes and then go downstairs. Max is downstairs at the table eating cereal. She eyes me suspiciously and doesn't look at Billy. I look at him, expecting him to say something to her but he doesn't.

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now