#18 Totally Tubular

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▶️ Mickey by Toni Basil

We're exhausted. It shouldn't be like this on the day we're supposed to put our plan into place. We're anxious, we're scared, we're so emotionally drained after last night, and we have to find a way out of this funk. Suddenly, a great idea hits me and I roll out of bed.

"Billy." I shake my boy awake.

"What?" He asks.

"Get dressed, we're going surfing."


"You heard me, lets go!"

"Aren't we supposed to go to Hawkins today?"

"Billy, we're both hot messes. We're in California, come on! Lets go catch some waves! Get some sun. We need to be confident when we roll up, not afraid. And you know what they say..."

"Saltwater cures all." Billy fills in.

"Hawkins can wait. They think you're dead anyways, it's just one more day. We can't help your little sister if you're all wound up." I kiss the sleepy boy on his soft lips.

Billy rolls out of bed and we grab a quick bite to eat before we grab our boards and go.

Billy actually looks excited.

I love surfing with Billy, it's one of the things that makes him happiest and seeing him happy makes me happy. Also, the feeling of catching a great wave is amazing, it's an incomparable feeling. Time seems to slow down, and yes, that's without the use of my powers. I know because Billy says he feels it too. The ocean is a powerful, beautiful thing.

I remember the first time Billy taught me how to surf. That day was the day I realized I was actually falling for him, hard.

Billy tries to explain to me what I did wrong last time. "Don't stand up all at once." He says. "Make sure the weight is balanced between both your feet, crouch slightly, and no matter what you do don't flail your arms!"

"What if I'm falling?" I pout.

"Don't flail, just fail." Billy kisses me.

"Is that your motto for school too?" I tease.

Billy rolls his eyes and shakes his hair out of his face.

"Ready to go again, angel?"

"Only if you'll catch me when I fail."

The weather is nice, it's a beautiful sunny day on the west coast, not a cloud in sight. Billy is finally able to go out without a shirt on, and he has scars, big ripping scars in the sides of his beautifully sculpted figure. But he's still a sight to behold. The sun seems to bounce off his sun kissed skin, and reflect off his golden curls. He smirks at me and pushes his sunglasses down to flash me his baby blues. "You ready Ser?" He asks.

He's in his element all right.

"Yeah, you sure you don't want to put a shirt on?" I ask him.

"Nope." He says. "I'm good like this, it's just one day."

"Suit yourself." I say.

We start off small, we haven't been surfing as much as we used to, and we've been busy trying to plan from Billy's return from the dead.

The playful ocean rocks us back and forth, tugging at our boards and trying to knock us over with waves.

Billy catches the first good wave.

Technically, I try to catch the first wave. 

I hear him say "not that one Ser!" Right as I'm standing up, and I wipeout. When I do that I always find Billy next to me in a couple of seconds. He's such a powerful swimmer, I'm not surprised at all he was the lifeguard at the Hawkins pool. He's the best surfing partner. He helps me back onto the board and we exchange a kiss before riding back out to look for more waves. 

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora