#3 Welcome to Sunny California

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Sitting on the hotel bed, all I can think about is what the girl said.

California... I miss it. That girl bringing it up today reminded me of some of the best times of my life...and my old boyfriend. That's right, not just another one night stand, a boyfriend. California was interesting because I finally decided to stop being afraid and enroll in public high school. It was pretty lame, or would've been except for I met this moody hunk I met. He was the school bully, the local hottie, the king. And I was his queen. I don't know what drew me to him, there was something cool about him and also something insanely dark. We dated for less than a year before he moved. He never told me where or why, we always kept our personal lives private anyways. It was better that way. So that's why I understand why he didn't let me know. Why I'm not angry with him.

I imagine the time in California so clearly in my mind. I can see it perfectly. I can see him. I pull out all my pictures of him and lay them out.

Sometimes, when I miss him enough I'll blink into him. I dig up old memories and bring them forward. I close my eyes, and I'm there.

California, 1983

I take a deep breath and I exhale it as I enter the high school for the first time. Even after all I've been through, my nerves get the best of me sometimes so I just have to focus on taking breaths.

This girl named Lorraine shows me around, she's really chatty and kind of annoying but I just nod along with her. We pass this cute boy in the hallway and exchange a glance. I can't help but stare.

Lorraine sighs "That's Billy."

"Who?" I asks, not really hearing her. Billy is gorgeous, he looks fit with beautiful blue eyes, tanned skin and long blonde hair.

"Billy. He's the most popular boy in our grade and probably the hottest boy in our school...and he knows it." Lorraine sighs again.

"Huh." Billy catches me staring at him and intensely holds my gaze. He smiles devilishly and looks me over. I blush and look away.

"Now back to the tour..." Lorraine tries to get back on track but she still gives me a drawn out explanation of Billy and the popular kids in our grade. Turns out, Lorraine is kind of popular too.

"Keep faking that accent, it'll make the boys fall for you like flies." Lorraine whispers.

"I'm not faking, I'm from London." I look at her, taken aback.

"Oh, okay sure." Lorraine winks at me.


First period is uneventful, and the teacher introduced me to the whole class. Actually, I get introduced in almost every class. In fourth period, homeroom, I have both Lorraine and Billy. Billy sits at the back, and I sit right in front of him. Lorraine sits next to me. The whole time, I can feel his eyes burning into the back of my head.

When we get out of that class, Lorraine runs up to me excitedly. "He was staring at you the whole time."

I smile determinedly. This boy will be mine.


Two weeks go by, school is pretty unexciting. I learn early on that girls are mean, and I'm constantly getting mocked for my accent which half the high school population seems to think is hot and the other half thinks is dorky. Lorraine telling people that I'm faking probably isn't helping either. Homeroom is still the most interesting to me, I can feel Billy boring holes in the back of my head with his eyes but he hasn't struck up a conversation yet.

I prefer to eat my lunch alone on the bleachers, and look at the scenery outside. One day, as I'm doing this, I see a figure walking up to me, although I can't really discern who it is.

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now