#7 Truth for a Truth

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"Seraphina. Ser. What the fuck is wrong with you. SER!"

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder.

"Huh?" I slowly open my eyes and groan.

My head is pounding.

Am I dying?

I can't die. If I die, Billy might die.

"Seraphina what's wrong with you?" Billy asks.

"Go...back...to bed." I say.

"You just appeared out of thin air." Says Billy. "Is this a trick? Are you one of them?" He asks accusingly before I can speak.

"Billy." I close my eyes to try and stop the world from spinning.

"I'm still connected to it am I? Or is this a dream? Ser answer me!" I feel his hand on my arm but I feel like my arm is a million miles away from the rest of my body.

I need food and water and all these things I don't have the energy to get. I think, although my thoughts are interrupted frequently by waves of pain and nausea.

"Blue serum in the bathroom." I croak. "Billy please. A shot."

"Ser you're not making sense." He says.

"There's a blue serum in the bathroom, it's in a syringe. Grab it...bring it." I whisper, eyes closed.

"Ser you're scaring me." He says.

I find the energy to hit him with my hand. "I think I'm dying can you go find it NOW!"

I groan as a big wave of pain hits me. Shouldn't have done that.

I think I hear Billy get up and go but I'm not sure until there is an absence of incessant questions.

I just try to roll with the pain. Hurry up!

I finally hear Billy again. "I found it."

"Stick me." I say.

"Where?" He asks.

"Side of my...neck." I whimper.

"Okay." I hear Billy rustle and feel a sting where Billy gets me.

I whimper slightly and feel him pull the needle out.

"What does that do?" He asks.

"Shh." I try to focus on my breathing, slowly the pain goes away.

Finally, I can open my eyes. I can see Billy. I can hear clearly, without any incessant ringing in my ears.

I try to sit up, and the spots return so I stop and try every couple of minutes. After a few attempts, I manage to pull myself up so I lean up against the wall. I look to Billy and he looks...afraid.

"What are you?" He asks.

"I'm not one of those shadow things." I tell him.

Billy leans back against the bed and asks coldly. "Then what are you?"

I sigh.

"You saw that gross monster, and all that crazy shit right? You know that crazy shit can happen in our world?" I ask.

"Yeah, yeah." He says, brow furrowed.

"You know Hawkins Lab?"

"Yeah where they leaked that chemical?"


I take a deep breath. I'm not really scared about him believing me because I can prove it but I'm scared that he'll be scared of me or something.

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now