"We are not telling Nancy Wheeler about this." Billy snarls.

"We're just going to ask them if they know a good lawyer or something." I tell him, gently rubbing his cheek with my thumb. "Then we can get out of there."

"Uh...do we have to go there, to the Wheeler's? What about to the Byers' place?" Billy looks nervous.

"Joyce would flip out." Says El.

"Yeah, do you really want to walk in there looking like that? She'll kill you." Says Max.

"Yeah, definitely don't want to go there." I muse.

"What about Lucas's house?" Billy Asks.

"Uh, no. Lucas wouldn't know what to do. I think Mrs. Wheeler is our best bet." Says Max.

Billy groans.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "Apart from you being beat up."

"I just... I don't know can't we just go home?" Billy gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Come on B." I say.

"Yeah, come on Billy." Max reaches a gentle hand out to squeeze Billy's bicep. "I thought you were good friends with Mrs. Wheeler. She always said 'hi' to you at the pool."

"Yeah." Says El.

"And we can pretend you two don't have that fancy house and you need someplace to crash, that way when Joyce calls Mrs. Wheeler can tell her that we're all at her place." Max continues.

"Solid. We just have to make sure Mrs. Wheeler doesn't let it slip that she's taking care of Billy." I say.

Billy sighs. "Fine okay, I guess. I just feel weird barging in there."

"We're not barging." Says Max. "This is an emergency."

I pull out of the driveway and head towards Mike's house.

"I'll be okay babe." I say.

Billy doesn't look so sure of that.


When we approach the Wheeler's place, I notice how much of a mess we are. I've got a bruise on my face from Neil hitting me, Max has fading bruises and her and El look like they've been crying a lot. And then there's Billy. Billy's eyes are practically swelled shut and he's got bruises everywhere.

We park by the sidewalk like we did at the Hargrove house, and walk up together to the front door.

I link my arms through Billy's and El and Max walk behind us. We all kind of hang our heads, the mood is somber and scared.

I don't know what to do.

Hopefully this lady will.

I ring the doorbell and step back.

No response.

I ring the doorbell again.


Suddenly, the door creaks open and a little girl peeks out. "Who are you?" She asks.

El steps to the front. "Hi Holly, is your mom home?"

"HOLLY, WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT ANSWERING THE DOOR?" We hear a female voice yell. Footsteps patter as someone who I can only assume to be Mrs. Wheeler runs up behind Holly and gently scoops her up. She exhales dramatically and looks us over quickly.

"Billy?" Mrs. Wheeler's face drains of color when she sees my boyfriend. She puts Holly down and whispers to her. "Go play in your room."

"Surprise." He says as Holly runs off. "Back from the dead."

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें