#17 Too Young to Fall in Love

Start from the beginning

"Well what have you been doing at his house when you won't even come over to mine?" Billy narrows his eyes.

The crowd oohs.

"You know, you're such a baby, you hide your insecurities behind an impenetrable wall of masculinity!" I yell.

"What does that have anything to do with this?" Billy throws his hands up and then holds one out at me.

"It has everything to do with this because you know why I don't come over." I call him out.

"Do you? Do you really? No you don't, so don't act like you know what you're talking about." Billy frowns heavily. He looks so angry, most people would run away at this point but I can take the heat. I can take the fire.

We both stand facing each other, breathing heavily. I'm fighting back tears...and they're coming out.

"Go...go...fuck a blender!" I'm out of points to make so I just straight up insult him.

"Oh, go die in a hole!"


"Dude, I'm not hooking up with her!" We both turn to see Dale, standing on the edge of the crowd.

Bloody hell Dale, now is not the time.

"Stay out of this!" Billy lunges towards Dale and I yank his arm as hard as I can. He whips around to face me and clenches the fist on his free arm, digging his fingernails into his palm. No matter how angry he got, he never hit me. Although I know he wanted to sometimes. Props to him. Dale backs up into the crowd again to watch.

Billy punches the locker behind me.

"You think that scares me?" I hiss, tears starting to fall.

Billy sneers. I probably shouldn't be making him more mad at this point but I don't really care.

"You're insufferable!" I go to hit him and he grabs my wrist and holds it. I struggle against him and he just holds me there.

"Let me go, let me go!" I scream.

Billy looks at me with his icy blue eyes and says "go cool off."

Billy lets go of my wrist and I fly backwards from the momentum of me trying to free myself as he walks off. I land on my ass with my back to the lockers.

"You need to learn how to treat a girl because I'm sure your other whores won't put up with half the stuff I put up with!" I yell after him.

Billy doesn't turn around, he just keeps walking. The crowd murmurs and whispers, I know this will be the talk of the school today.

I sob in frustration as Billy disappears, and rest my head on my knees.

"Don't be mad baby." I hear a familiar voice.

I look up to see Dale extending a hand towards me.

He is literally the last person I want to see right now.

I still grab his hand and let him help me up. "Thanks."

"No problem baby." Dale wraps an arm around me and tries to lead me away.

I take his arm off of me. "Just because I'm fighting with Billy doesn't mean you get a chance with me."

"Even after all he's done to you?"

"It's called loyalty, Dale."

"You might want to be careful, or it'll be you he's punching next time instead of the locker." Dale says disdainfully.

Oh that's it.

I slap him and he stands there stunned. And then it's my turn to walk away.

"Bitch!" He yells after me.

More tears fall from my face as I leave the scene of the crime. Great, now Billy and I are fighting and I'm probably going to have to do that stupid project on my own.

"Seraphina..." I turn to see Lorraine. I didn't realize she had followed me.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." I tell her, and we hug.

"It's okay."

"I owe you like five milkshakes."

"You know, if you didn't go after him like that he wouldn't get so mad. You could just apologize." Says Lorraine, rubbing my shoulders gently with her thumbs.

"And give him the pleasure?" I scoff. "Please."

Billy and I got into that fight right before he moved away. We weren't on speaking terms, I never got to tell him goodbye. It was over such a small thing, we probably would've made up within a week with some "I'm sorry" sex. But that week came and went, and Billy was already long gone. 

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