#13 Slide, repeat. Slide, repeat.

Start from the beginning

My expression softens "of course babe."

I then quickly blink away to the area of Hawkins I first arrived in.

It's like deja vu, everything is the same as before. I try to keep my timeline the same so I check my watch and think as I walk down the sidewalk. What did I do first?

I look around and see the store.

Ah yes, I stole a soda.

I stick my hand in my pockets and rustle around for some money. All I have is a fifty.

"Bloody hell." I say.

I conjure a picture of what the soda aisle looks like in the store, and I blink in. Score.

I'm standing right in front of the cokes and I start to reach in for one.

I hear a bottle drop next to me and break. I whip around to the sound of the noise and I see the store manager looking at me frozen and shellshocked.


"Uh sorry about that." I tell the commoner, pressing the $50 into her hand and grabbing a coke anyways. "Gotta jet!" I say, running out.

Why was she there? She's not supposed to be there!

I think for a minute, and suddenly it hits me.

My timeline is wrong. Indiana is three hours ahead. That must mean... I don't have time.

I'm out of time.

I have to find Max right now.

Time slows and I look down the street. I hear the sound of the car horn and see the car that nearly hit the girl.

I don't think, I just blink, remembering the movements I already took. I grab Max and her board, and I blink her away from the car.

Once again, she scuttles away from me and presses her back up against the wall.

I did it.

"Stupid kid!" The driver still yells slowly and then drives off.

My victory is short lived, because I have to take care of Max.

I put her skateboard down and try to remember how our interaction played out before the time blink.

Okay now I have to take care of her leg...because she's more freaked out about that than the bruise on her face.


Wait a minute.

Billy's words echo in my mind. "Can you make sure my dad isn't beating on her? Make sure she doesn't have any extra bruises or anything on her."

I remember telling Billy about the whole situation a while back, after I told him about the time blink.

"She was crying hard, is she scared of blood or something? She seemed pretty freaked out about her leg and her eye."

"No. She's not, she's a tough little shit , she bangs herself up all the time."

"Huh, that's weird, I wonder why she was so freaked out then."

"Who knows."

This time, I don't ask about her eye, I'm going to see if she mentions it without anyone making a comment about it. I don't look around at the people to see if they're watching me, I have eyes only for her.

"Where does it hurt?" I ask her.

"How did you do that?" She asks me fearfully.

"I pulled you out of the way, I saw you falling you didn't see me coming. Now where does it hurt?"

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now