"Seraphina, SERAPHINA!" I jolt upwards, and away, nearly falling off the bed. It's Billy. According to my calculations, he shouldn't have had the energy to move around for at least another week. I guess those meds worked. I'll have to see if I can get more sometime so I have a stock of them.

"Where are we, what's going on?" He asks accusingly. "How did you get here, how did I get here?"

"We're in a safe place. You're safe." I say, trying to read his expression for any sort of emotions that might tell me what's going on. He just looks scared, and confused.

Billy starts crying. I never see Billy cry, I can count the times on my fingers. On the contrary, Billy has seen me cry a lot.

"Stay still Billy. You have to not make any sudden movements because you're going to rip the stitches." I say, tearing up. Every muscle in my body is on fire, but I try to ignore it. I awkwardly wrap my arms around him and he lays down, I hold him and run my fingers through his hair. I sigh.

This is how it used to be. Well, kind of.

"That...that thing..." Billy's eyes look glazed.

"Shhh, it's okay. It's not anywhere near us. We're safe." I murmur.

"You don't understand. It knows where I am. It can find me."

A chill runs through my body.

"What?" I ask him.

"It can find me." He sobs.

"Billy are you sure, can you feel it?" I ask him, panicked.

Billy licks his lip and stares off into the distance. He looks focused, but also blank. "I...I...I can't feel it anymore. I mean I can remember it but I...I'm not sure..."

I choose to believe that Billy's 'not sure' means the monster is gone. I hope it is.

"Maybe the military can come and take it down before it finds us."


"It was controlling me." Says Billy.


"You don't understand, it's like I could see what I was doing but it wasn't me." Billy cries. His face is twisted up angrily. "I couldn't escape, not until the very end."

"Start from the beginning." I say. "Just tell me what happened. Quickly."

He seems to have enough energy to at least give me a rundown of what's going on.

"It's going to sound insane." He says.

"I was there too remember? I saw the monster." I say.

"I was driving out, and something...something hit my car and I crashed into this steel manufacturing plant. The next thing I know I get dragged down and I see the monster and it...it..." I've never seen Billy this terrified.

I instantly regret asking him.

"It's okay Billy, we can talk about it later, right now I just need you to lie down." I say.

"He made me build an army. He made me build an army so I could build him." Billy says, eyes haunted. The tears keep flowing down his face and dropping onto the bed.

I am not understanding a word Billy is saying, but I'm not going to interrogate him right now while he's hurt and on a bunch of medication.

Billy starts shivering, I need to find this boy some clothes. I can't exactly run to the store right now, I'm literally covered from head to toe in blood and they'll think I killed someone. Also, my powers won't be able to take me very far at the moment.

Blink (Billy Hargrove x OC)Where stories live. Discover now