What Happens In London ,Stays In London

Start from the beginning

They enjoyed a leisurely stroll from the salon to their hotel. It was nice to be moving again, after more than three hours of sitting down and being judged on her cellulite, Selene was happy to be out of there. She often dressed in girly goth and loved her makeup but that was on her own terms and in general she was pretty low maintenance with her beauty regime, so spending that long surrounded by others that wanted their hands on her hadn’t been her idea of a good time.

The city was bustling as always, people rushing here and there, eyes focused either on their phones or staring straight ahead, not making eye contact, but there was a relaxed buzz in the air now that the working week was done. It was Saturday afternoon and those that weren’t shopping were heading for dinner and drinks with friends just as they were.

They were stopped more than a dozen times on the short journey from the salon to the hotel and asked for autographs and selfies with people. Kayo hadn't been impressed, calling it a security risk but, remembering her promise to John, Selene had lifted her head high and plastered a bright smile on her face. Negative press could only affect you if you let it, she realised that now, and was determined to show them how little she cared about their nasty opinions. She'd smile, be nice and fight their negativity with positivity.

Selene was used to being able to walk around her city and blend in with the crowds but obviously that ship had now sailed. It had been hard at first, having lost the anonymity that she had enjoyed for so many years as a nobody, but she knew she had but two choices, hide away, or continue to live her life. So she had started posting on social media again, just as she always had, and although it was hard to ignore all the negative comments she was determined not to let them get her down. If people recognised her she now did as the others did and talked to them, she smiled for their pictures, squished in close for selfies and then went on with her day.

After what the family were referring to as 'her wobble' Scott and John had tasked their lawyers with making it known within the press that they wouldn't hesitate to use every legal avenue at their disposal to take them down should they continue with their unwarranted attacks and so far things had been quiet. Now, all they could hope was that it stayed that way.

The trio stopped at the entrance of the hotel to pose for a group photo and to answer a few questions for a couple of Penelope's fans, before they finally entered the blissful peace and privacy of the lobby where they were met by the concierge who showed them to their private parlour.

The sun room at the hotel was beautiful, the tables laid out as elegantly as could be and each table had its own ornate cake stand which held the most delicate looking little french fancies and miniature versions of English classics Selene had ever seen. A pretty teapot, bone china cup and saucer sets and a platter of crustless sandwiches completed the layout. It was classy, it was relaxed and it was so perfectly Penelope, but it really wasn’t very Selene. She was more a coffee drinking, burger eating, cafe haunting kind of girl but she appreciated the effort nonetheless.

Selene had given Penelope and Kayo strict instructions to not go overboard, to not invite tons of people she didn’t know, preferring to stick to close friends and family. Grandma and her mother had politely declined their invitations, declaring it something for the youngsters to enjoy, just as Jeff had bowed out of whatever it was the boys had planned for John. She had no clue what they were doing as their little gang had left the hotel around the same time as they had headed to the salon. They had decided to travel together and secured a number of rooms in the same hotel for the family and their guests, it had just made the entire thing so much easier to organise when it came to cover from the GDF and local authorities and travel arrangements.

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