What Are You Doing Here?

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Everyone has different ways of letting off steam after a difficult day, and Scott Tracy was no exception. All his brothers knew was that he took himself off to the mainland somewhere, to one of his regular haunts, hauled up in a bar for a few hours, possibly overnight, and came back feeling a lot better. They all had an idea or two of what he could be up to, but since he was an adult and able to take care of himself, they left him to it.

It had been one of those days where everything that could go wrong did just that and no one was particularly surprised to hear the all too familiar words from Scott.

"I'm going out, I'll be back later."

"See ya!" Alan called back.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Gordon advised.

"Stay safe," Virgil requested.

John didn't say anything because as usual he wasn't there and even if he had been, he'd trust his brother not to be an idiot.

Scott took one of their smaller civilian planes, landing it at the small, private airfield of Duxford not far from London. As usual they had a car waiting for him to use to take himself into the city.

He settled himself at the bar and started on the first of many beers, that would loosen him up enough to actually do what he went there for.


Selene wished she was anywhere but here with these people. How had she found the most boring people on the planet? Dinner had been an agonisingly slow affair, made worse by the fact that the curry house they were in didn't sell alcohol. She hated having to cozy up to clients that were like that, just totally not her people.

"Oh, no thank you, I couldn't eat another bite." She waved aside their offer of dessert, really not wanting to spend any more time there than she had to. "Actually, I really should get going, I've got an early morning tomorrow and I really want to get started on your Natal chart while all your information is fresh in my head." Translation: your boring bullshit has melted my brain into a puddle and I have to escape before my boyfriend has to fake an emergency and rescue me.

She shook hands with them both -the most average, middle class, middle aged, beige couple you could imagine- and with many assurances that she would send their charts and personality profiles (should be easy enough since they didn't seem to have one to share between them) by the end of the week, and hightailed it out of the restaurant like the hounds of hell were on her heels.

She took a deep breath of the pollution heavy air, tipping her head back to look up at the sky, but in London there was zero chance she would ever spot the tiny bright light that was Five up in orbit. But, as was her custom, she still blew a kiss upwards to her spaceman, just because.

It was a chilly night and she pulled her coat closer as she began to walk. It was still early and she didn't really feel like heading straight home, her apartment was lovely and while it was home, recently it had begun to feel very quiet and empty after the constant noise and chaos that was Tracy Island.

Her feet took her in the direction of one of her old haunts, Camden, where the bars were friendly, the music was loud and the drinks were strong. It was just the place for a witch to kill some time, you never knew who you might bump into. She was the type of person that always knew someone somewhere.

She wandered along past the now closed market and deeper into the social hub that was Camden Town. She looked around, debating. What did she fancy? She cocked her head to one side, notes of music catching her attention. Huh, she liked that song. Following her ears she pushed her way through the crowds that seemed to be a permanent fixture and located the pub she was looking for.

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