What Happened On New Years Eve

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"I'm beginning to think this was a very bad idea."

Kayo raised an eyebrow, her seldom seen grin firmly in place. "But it's so much fun to see them like this, think of the blackmail opportunities."

Selene couldn't help but laugh. "You are an evil woman, Miss Kyrano. That's why I'm forcing you to be one of my maids of honour. I'm gonna need all the help I can get."

"Yeah, I'd say I'm flattered but I know the work that's gonna be involved."

Selene opened her mouth to argue, but then shrugged, you couldn't deny the truth. "At least us girls have stayed relatively sober."

"Someone had to," Kayo sipped her rum and coke. "Thankfully Alan is too young to drink, that takes care of one potential problem at least."

Selene raised her tequila sunrise and the girls clinked glasses in a silent toast. She looked around the room at the people surrounding them and felt her heart swell with affection. She loved each and every one of them and would do anything for any of them.

John was actually relaxed for once, a couple of drinks down and chatting animatedly with Scott and Gordon, their conversation growing louder with each drink consumed.

Brains was chatting Virgil's ear off, the latter politely nodding along but giving off an aura that said he wished he were anywhere else but there at that moment. As they watched Virgil tipped his head back and drained his beer in one long gulp. Brains was leaning against MAX, the clever robot supporting his creator with one mechanical arm and Selene was pretty sure that was the only thing keeping him upright.

"How many has Brains had?" she whispered to Kayo.

"That's only his second, but he doesn't have a very high tolerance for alcohol."

"Ladies," Penelope joined them, a glass of champagne clutched in her perfectly manicured hand.

"Hi, P," Selene hugged her carefully, always conscious of messing up the lines of whatever tasteful outfit she was wearing that day, then made room for Kayo to do the same. "I'm so glad you two made it back in time."

"We nearly didn't, the King's gala overran frightfully."

"Well, you're here now, that's all that matters. You are staying the night?"

"I doubt that Parker would be able to take us home now," she glanced to where Parker was cheerfully downing an entire tankard of ale to the cheers and encouragement of Alan.

"Ah, given him the night off then?"

"It would appear so," her words were clipped but the affection in her tone said that she really didn't mind.

"Well, it is New Years Eve after all."

"And your engagement celebration I do believe."

Selene rolled her eyes. "Grandma insisted. Have you ever tried saying no to that lady?"

Penny sighed delicately. "It is indeed an impossible task."

"Like trying to get John to admit when he's wrong."

"I heard that!" he yelled over his shoulder at her, though she just smiled and blew him a kiss.

"He loves me really."

"I doubt he'd be marrying you if he didn't," Penelope laughed. "I have to admit, I never thought he'd be the first Tracy to think about getting wed."

"Yeah, surprised us all," Kayo grinned.

"Should I be insulted by this?" Selene asked mildly, sipping her drink.

"I shouldn't think so," Penelope soothed.

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