Healing Touch

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The world was fucked up. And when the world was fucked up it meant that things went to shit. And when things went to shit it meant that the man that was currently occupying her thoughts was busy. Overworked, probably under appreciated and definitely not looking after himself properly.

She'd only managed to talk to him properly twice in the past two weeks, though he had sent the odd message a few times a day. He was working flat out and she would bet her favourite wand that he wasn't sleeping or eating properly.

She was worried, and she didn't like being worried, it pissed her off. And a pissed off witch was never a good thing. But now he had been radio silent going on 24 hours and she wasn't putting up with that.

She hadn't had a chance to meet all of his family properly as he kept saying he wanted her to do, apparently there were protocols and procedures that had to be in place before it could happen and he hadn't had time.

She'd taken to watching the news daily, had alerts on her phone for anything related to them and kept up with their rescues. It wasn't that she was doubting him when he said he was busy, it was because she genuinely cared for him and his family.

Well, it was time to take matters into her own hands. She was not prepared to sit around and wait when he might need her. She was going to pull out the big guns.

She grabbed her phone, selected her target and attacked the weak link.

'Gordon, don't you dare leave me on read! I don't have the time or the patience for all that crap. I'm worried about your brother, so call me. Now!'


"Scott!" Gordon's scared yell shook the walls as he ran the length of the house, his phone held aloft in a blind panic.

His eldest brother's sleep tousled head popped out of the bathroom. "Why are you yelling? I swear if you just want to show me another singing dog I'll be down one brother."

Gordon skidded to a halt, thrusting his phone into Scott's face, for once ignoring the, he felt, unwarranted verbal attack.

Scott squinted at the screen, trying to focus on the words.


"What do I do? Do I call her? Do I ignore her? Please don't make me ignore her, she scares the crap out of me." Gordon was descending into full blown panic mode.

"Worse than Kayo?"

Gordon nodded seriously.

Scott pondered this for a minute, then pushed his brother's arm out of his face. "Call her, tell her we're sending someone to pick her up."

Gordon still held his phone at arms length like he expected the witch to pop out and murder him any second.

"Who are we sending? Please don't say me."

Scott grinned evilly. "Kayo. She's head of security, Selene could be a security threat as I know that John hasn't told her where we are based, so Kayo can go do her job and make sure she's safe."

Gordon chickened out and messaged her back instead, he felt that if she heard his voice she'd be like a shark scenting blood, she'd go in for the kill.

'Talk to my secretary, I'll send her to meet you.'

Selene glared at the message. Secretary? Had he just palmed her off on the nearest available lacky? For his sake she hoped not. She'd give them 2 hours, then she was going in.


The woman in front of her was trying to look tough, and to most people she probably would have been very scary, but Selene ate people like her for breakfast, so the witch simply sat and stared her down silently, arms crossed, exactly as the other woman was doing to her.

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