Hoodie Wars

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"Scott's lost his favourite hoodie," Virgil informed him, rather randomly John though, but who was he to argue the small talk his brother deemed necessary? Virgil stared at him, apparently waiting for a response.

"How? He never wears it off base? It's got to be here somewhere."

"Oh, he knows exactly where it is."

"Then I'm confused, how is it lost? The definition of lost is that you are unaware of its location." How long had he been up there that lost now had a different meaning? Was it one of those times where the youth of today - God he suddenly felt extremely old at only twenty-seven - took a word and changed the meaning without informing those who still used a dictionary?

"Your girl took a liking to it."

"Oh, I see." Ahh, now that made total sense.


"He's never getting that back, it's gone forever, lost in the same void that consumed three of my T-shirts, one formal shirt, five pairs of socks, two hoodies and a pair of pyjama bottoms."

"Sucks to be you, bro."

"It's a small price to pay. Also, she has one of your lumberjack things," he waved vaguely in Virgil's direction, gesturing to the ever present plaid.

"She does, which one?" Virgil groaned, please don't let it be a favourite. No one else might be able to tell which shirt was which, but he knew, dammit, he knew.

"That purple and blue one that Grandma got you three Christmases ago."

"Oh, that's OK then, I never wear that one, it's a bit too girly."

"That's what Sel said, apparently she was helping you by liberating it."

"Your girl has a very unique idea of what is helpful."

John just nodded, well aware of that fact.

"This means war, Tracy!" Selene's voice echoed through the villa.

"What did you do this time?" Virgil asked him.

"It could be any number of things, my transgressions are apparently many and varied, although I'm hardly ever aware of them myself," John shrugged, not looking the least bit concerned.

Scott strutted into the lounge, now wearing said hoodie along with a smug smile.

John exchanged a look with Virgil, who shrugged, he didn't know how that had happened either but it looked like John wasn't to blame for his girl's current mood.

Peace descended over the lounge as Scott settled at their dad's desk, bringing up the holoscreen to check the news.

John sighed, feeling that he needed to warn his big brother.


"Hmm?" Scott didn't look up.

"I feel I would be neglectful in my duty if I didn't warn you to watch your back. I don't know what you've done to piss off my witch but her retaliation is likely to be imminent."

"I'm very aware of that fact, but it's a matter of principle."

John sighed, if principles were involved then this was going to get a whole lot worse before it got better. He waited a whole two minutes before he, very subtly he thought, tossed his magazine on the coffee table and stood up, stretching casually.

"I'm gonna head up to the office, call me if you need anything."

"Smooth, bro," Virgil laughed as John made a quick exit.

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