Chapter 45 - Fiendfyre

Start from the beginning

"Where did you get this?" I beamed, holding up the frame.

"Do you remember the Daily Prophet sent a photographer the day we opened?" Fred reminded me and I nodded him on, "Well they took this photo, it wasn't used in the paper but I remembered it being taken and I wrote to the reporter and told him it would mean a lot if I could have a copy of it"

"When?" I said, still glancing down at the frame. The shop opening had been back in summer and I'd never seen it on display anywhere.

"Well" Fred sighed, scratching the back of his head uncomfortably, "a long time ago actually. It was going to be a surprise for Christmas or something but then we- umm- well I kept it anyway. It was really hard not to look at it, you know. George had to lock it up in a trunk because I just couldn't stop"

My eyes started to well up, as I clasped the image in my hands, I couldn't believe he'd done something so sweet. He could tell I was feeling rather sensitive and came to wrap his arms around me, taking the frame out of my hand to look at it himself. But we were suddenly startled by the sound of the door opening.

"Oh goodness sorry!" my mother squeaked staring back at us from the doorway. I snatched the frame back from Fred and went to show her.

"That was a lovely idea Fred! What a sweet memory" my mother exclaimed, smiling down at the photograph with tears welling in her eyes too.

"Thank you, Marion" Fred said, giving my mother a big cheesy grin.

"Come look in here!" Ginny called shrilly, darting in the room and pulling me away into the hallway to look. It was the spare bedroom, neatly decorated with lots of hand knitted throws and cushions, I'd assumed Molly had some help here.

As I lingered in the corridor, I heard my mother speaking in a hushed voice, still in Fred's bedroom. The door was slightly ajar and I assumed she didn't realise I could still hear them over the excitement of everyone else.

"We really are so happy for you two" my mother gushed, "I couldn't have asked for anybody more thoughtful and charming than you for our Celeste. She's been positively glowing since the two of you got together and I'm just really grateful"

My eyes started to well uncontrollably as I strained to listen for Fred's response.

"Thank you, that really means a lot. I just want to make her happy" Fred whispered back. I heard the sound of them rustle together and assumed that they'd hugged. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes again and straightened myself up to pretend I hadn't heard a word as they came out of the bedroom.

"Alright?" Fred asked, his grin wavering a little as he came behind me to put his arm round my shoulder. His eyes looked a little bloodshot and he felt shaky in my arm.

"Yeah, are you?" I asked, laughing softly and prodding him in his side to get him to lighten up a little. Molly called everyone to come down for the food she had prepared and everybody, including my mother slipped past us to go downstairs. But Fred didn't budge.

"What's the matter? Come on let's get something to eat" I said, trying to pull his hand along the corridor, but he still wouldn't move.

"Come here" he smiled gently, yanking my hand back towards him. He didn't say anything else but leant down to push his lips against mine. It was tender and our mouths moved together slowly. Even though I don't think it's what he'd intended, I began to feel warm inside and a little breathless.

"No time for snogging, come on mum's got dinner ready" Ron barked from the end of the landing, making us jump apart. We hurried along, following Ron down the stairs and gathered with everyone in the living room.

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