"Thanks Spencer." She spoke quietly.

As if joining her for a regular coffee break at a cafe, Spencer sat across from Emily sipping his hot beverage but not saying a word.

Emily quickly finished her coffee, she never realized how much she depended upon caffeine until this very moment.

"Thank you, really Spencer." She gave a weak smile.

"You don't have to thank me Emily, it's what friends do for each other." He smiled.

"Friends," she scoffed "Spencer look where I am right now, look what's on my hands I'm not a friend, I'm a suspect." She finished.

"A friend is one that knows who you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow." He started.

"Shakespeare." Emily gave a breathy laugh.

"Remember that time, you and I went undercover in that underground cult, a-and Cyrus he-he came down asking which one of us was the FBI agent. You said it was you? Why?" He asked.

"Anyone would've done the same thing." She replied.

"No, no they wouldn't. You risked your life for me, and you sit here and say that we aren't friends because you are a suspect?" Spencer questioned.

There was silence for a second. "How's Lily and Henry doing?" She asked.

"Good umm they are staying with my mom, she's been umm reading them poetry." He laughed.

It felt good to Emily knowing she still had someone in her corner.

"You know Spence even if everyone else on this team hates my guts right about now, I'm happy that I still have you." She smiled.

That was the first real smile Emily Prentiss had ever given since being arrested.
Spencer went to speak his wise words once more, but then it hit Emily.

The fight.

The bar.

Getting wasted.

The red head.

JJ's mom.

Everything came back clear as crystal.

"Spencer!" She jeered.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked startled.

"I-I know who killed JJ's mother, it wasn't me." She spoke.

"What do you mean?" Spencer asked.

"The autopsy report it said that Susan's date of death was hard to determine, but they estimated it to about Valentine's Day." She began.

"Yea so?" He asked.

"I was with JJ on Valentine's Day, and even when I left the house I only went to the store to get flowers and chocolates. Two days earlier though, we got into a little fight, I stormed off and went where I usually went to calm myself down-"

"The bar." They said at the same time.

"Th-There was this red head, she-she offered me a drink, but I told her I was in a relationship. She kept trying to pull me but I kept declining. She used my name even when I never told it to her. She must've spiked my drink because the next thing I know I wake up inside my car outside of our house." She wracked my brain recalling the events.

"Then how do you explain how you have photos literally doing a peace sign over JJ's mother's body?" He asked.

"There are some date-rape drugs or regular drugs that can make it look like a person is doing all these things when they have no clue what's going on and don't even remember it the next day." She said biting her fingernail.

"Do you remember a name for this mysterious red head?" He asked taking out a pen and notepad.

"Umm Lori, Lila...LOLA! A guy came up to us before I blacked out and said ready to go Lola." Prentiss said.

"Right so we are looking for a white redheaded female named Lola, about how old was she?" Spencer asked.

"Umm I'm guessing around my age so like 25 to 27 I'm assuming." He finished writing in his notepad before standing up and walking out.

Emily laid her head on the table letting out a content sigh.

"Did it work?" Hotch asked Reid as he stepped out of the room.

"Like a charm, we have a name and description." He said walking away.

"Alright let's get Garcia."

A/N: y'all at this point I'm not even planning nothing, I'm just writing whatever comes to my mind.
But literally when I envisioned this unsub I see Jessica Rabbit😭🤚🏻


Also no one:
Emily over JJ's moms dead body: 😗✌🏻

word count: 1,263

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