New Kids Are Wack

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I've realized that this story has gotten over 10k reads. Yay! So here's the choice you demons get. Do you want a Q and A where you can ask questions about future chapters or about yours truly, or do you want an extra chapter that won't impact the main story? Answer at the bottom of the story. Italics mean Japanese while normal text means thought and French.

(Y/N)'s POV

"I do my 'lil dancy dance." I sang while Shoji held me by arms while taking me to the restaurant to eat breakfast. I was swinging my legs to make it seem as if I was actually dancing in the air. "Why must you hurt me this way?"

"Iida wants you to eat with the class before the restaurant opens for the public." He explained like the smart guy that he is.

"Sonic, LIES." I threw my head backwards, accidentally smacking him in the chin. "Sorry about that, Shoji. I have a strange amount of energy this morning."

"It's no bother to me."

We reached the kitchen and he set me down on the floor. I was still in my pajamas along with a few others. The early, responsible, smart people were the ones who had changed into their U.A uniforms, for some reason.

"(Y/N)! Babe! My love! Light of my life!" It was Kaminari who was yelling compliments towards me.

"Pikachu!" I yelled back as he engulfed me in a hug. "Give me your strawberries. I'm hungry."

"There is no need for that. I got you a plate." Iida said proudly holding out a plate of pancakes and several pieces of cut fruit.

"Delectable candy from mother nature." I said grabbing a strawberry and taking a bite, almost crying as I did. "Delicious."

"I always forget how much (Y/N) loves fruit." Uraraka noted as I took a seat next to her.

"(Y/N), the website you gave me has been a great help for my studies on Ladybug and Cat Noir. Thank you so much!" Midoriya clapped his hands together and bowed his head down a little.

"It's no problem. Gotta help out each other." I said speaking in between bites of other strawberries.

"Everyone make sure to finish your food quickly. The restaurant will be opening at 7:15!" Iida yelled across the restaurant before he sat down at our table.

"Is everyone here?" Mr. Aizawa popped out of no where. "Good. Today you will not be allowed to wear casual clothes. I expect each and every one of you to be wearing your U.A uniforms." Everyone groaned at that fact. "This is to help the other teachers know who are the exchange students and who aren't. You will all be getting different schedules for the day which will be given to you at the front of the school. Mutant quirk users, remember to use your pins. For the rest of you, do not use your quirk whatsoever unless you are instructed by me."

"Yes sir!" Everyone yelled out. He nodded and left the diner.

"Oh man. I was hoping to wear my cactus shirt today." I pouted. "Oh well... I'll just cry myself to sleep then."

"Don't be sad, (Y/N). You can wear your shirt tomorrow." Uraraka reassured.

"Aren't we going to finish setting up our rooms?" Midoriya asked.

"To, putting our equipment in there for some of us to train our quirks, right?" I asked.

"Yes indeed. Mr. Aizawa does suggest everyone to set up a workout set but it is also a choice." Iida confirmed.

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