Chapter 54

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Sokka knocked softly on Dai's door, peeping inside. "Daiiii" he said, a big grin adorning his face, "I gamed with Aang for a while but I thought of something. "Wanna go into the Fire Nation? For a walk? At a shop? Something?" he suggested.

Dai raised an eyebrow, looking up from her book and smirking. "You... getting off of your phone... to go for a walk."

Sokka chuckled. "I know, right? A miracle."

She walked past him, wearing her casual night wear now, a silk blue tank and shorts with pink flowers underneath a lace blue robe, and tapped his nose. He watched her before closing the door. "Sure."

Sokka scratched the back of his head. "You're gonna go out like that?" He looked away for a second before facing her again. "If you're comfortable, then sure," he added before following her.

Dai raised an eyebrow at him, her gaze challenging but playful. "Excuse me? You're gonna go out like that, Sweatpants? Besides, I have my layer one armor on." She crossed her arms and shook her head. They all wore layer one armor almost constantly; it was a simple temperature- and impact-proof bandage-like black wrap that protected their torso.

Sokka blinked. "Sweatpants are comfortable!" he protested as they two left the Palace, descending down the stairs.

"So is this!" Dai responded indignantly, gesturing at her clothes.

"I saw this nice restaurant," Sokka continued as they headed toward the square. "Not fancy, but very cozy!" His eyes were bright with excitement. "I thought of taking you with me so we could check it out!"

Her gaze was a bit wary as he spoke, but her words were friendly and bright. "The Queen of the Water Tribes going to eat in her night wear?" She snorted. "Good thing that apparently nobody knows of me, or it would be all over the papers." She smirked. "Let's go, then."

Sokka chuckled. "You know, I find it kinda funny when people forget you're the Chieftess of the Water Tribes, no offence." The street lamps went on, illuminating the streets and the few people walking. It wasn't very busy in the square.

Dai pouted and shook her head. "How do people manage that? Now that the Water Tribes are in contact again, we make up, like, a quarter of the world! How is that possible!?"

As they reached the restaurant, Sokka opened the door. "Here we are," he interrupted with a smile. He led her to a table. Inside was cozy and warm, with a peaceful aura and soft music playing. The lights were orange.

A waitress came by, giving Dai a quick curtsy before asking what they'd like to drink; Dai ordered water.

Sokka returned to the former conversation. "It doesn't matter to me," he said. "To me you're just Dai. Crazy-in-a-good-way Dai. But it is funny, Your Highness." Dai blinked, then smiled a little.

"Actually," Dai said precisely, "Your Majesty is the correct title."

Sokka raised an eyebrow. "Your Majesty." As he addressed her by her proper title, a big grin broke out on her face. She took a sip of water. "They have Water Tribe food here," Sokka noted, now glancing at a menu.

"Makes sense," Dai said. "She'd make sure we felt welcome in her home." She nodded at the waitress. "The Water Tribe salad," she ordered as the waitress returned.

"Mhm, they even have Earth Kingdom dishes. I find it a very nice little touch," Sokka said with a smirk and then looked at the waitress. "Can I get the Fire Nation burger with extra spice?" he asked with a charming smile. The girl nodded.

Dai raised an eyebrow. "Fire Nation burgers?" she asked, her lips pressed together as she tried to hide her smile. "Gross!" She shook her head. "You really were meant to live here." She shook her head, handing her menu back to the waitress. "Unbelievable."

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