Chapter 14

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Aang had followed Katara, wanting to go to the games, flashing on the left side of the field. "Look, we can win a small fish!" He said pointing at one of the many stands.

Katara giggled. "Technically, I could get you many fish," she told Aang, "being that I'm a water bender and all." As they approached the game, she realized she had no idea how to play it. "I'm guessing you're more familiar with these? I have only lived one live, and it was in a water tribe with no festivals."

Aang looked at Katara and giggled. "Yes, true," he said in agreement. "However!" He dragged her by the hand to the fishy stand. "Look at them, they are so pretty!" He looked at her with big puppy eyes.

"Yes, they are," she agreed, glancing at him.

His eyes moved back to the game. "Heh, this is an easy game," he said with a nod and a smirk, full of confidence as he pushed his sleeve up. Katara laughed. Aang gave the old man at the stand a coin.

"Do I get to throw one?" She grabbed a ring as the man handed them over, playing with it in her hands. "Or do you have this under control?" She leaned against the edge of the game, her arms against Aang's.

Aang looked at her and chuckled. "You can try too, I'll leave the last for you," he said with a nod. "Watch the master." He gave her a charming smile as he started to throw the rings, one by one landing smoothly on the bottles.

"See... I am a master at this game," he said with a grin, hands on his hips as he stood there and smiled at her. "Try it!" Aang said with a nod.

Katara smirked. "Alright," she agreed. She glanced briefly at the old man. He wasn't even looking near them. She threw the ring, and right before she missed, she flicked a couple fingers. The water-filled bottle rocked toward the ring and the ring slid on neatly. She turned to Aang, dusting her hands of neatly. "I guess I'm a natural," she quipped, crossing her arms and smirking at him. "And we get a fish." She realized once again that there were guards nearby. They weren't looking at her, but they were fairly close by. She brushed Aang's hand with hers and discreetly leaned her head toward them.

Aang looked at her and crossed his arms, his proud, confident grin refusing to leave his face. "And looks like we got a winner!" the man said, looking at the two.

Aang chuckled. "Indeed you are, Katara," he said with a smile as they turned to the fish. "Which one should we get?" he asked as he looked at the fish and then back at Katara. "Athlea's uncle will have a small pet to take care of now." He smiled. "A cute fishy."

Katara giggled, pointing to a fat blue fish. "Do we know that her uncle wants a fish? He already has the huge garden." She glanced at him, her eyes glimmering with excitement. "Maybe Toph can put another pool in for him," she suggested.

Aang looked at the fat blue fish. "It looks cute. Chubby chubby." He chuckled and then put his hand under his chin. "A pond for the fish!" he said with a nod. "I'm sure he'll like it."

The man put the fish in a bag for them, and Katara took the bag. The old man handed Aang a small one-gallon tank with a bag of pebbles, a fake plant, a little cave, and a small container of food inside. "He'll need a bigger tank eventually, but this will get you started," the man informed them.

Katara snorted with laughter. "Maybe a bigger tank will help him slim down," she joked.

Katara took the bag with the fish and its needed accessories. "Thanks," she told the man.

"Thanks!" Aang echoed. He took the accessories from her, puffing out his chest. She followed him closely, smiling as he took the things from her. "Thanks," she said. She held the tie of the bag in one hand and the bottom in the other.

"Don't mention it, don't want you carrying all this stuff!" Aang chuckled.

She turned back to the games. "What should we do, now that we have a fat fish to take care of?" She gently tapped the fish's bag, holding it up to her eyes, before looking at Aang again.

"Hi there little guy!" he said, smiling. "Mmm, carry him around till we get home?" he asked, chuckling. His eyes moved to the blue fish as she held the bag up to her eyes.

Katara raised an eyebrow at him. "We can't do much or go somewhere too hot with this guy," she pointed out. "Which is a bit difficult to do given that we're at a fire festival. Should we try to find Toph and Sokka first?"

"I mean, we are approaching the food stands. We should meet them here, right?" He looked around, both of them integrating into the big crowd. "What does Sokka like most? Food. Meaty food."

Katara laughed, shaking her head. "You know my brother," she told him. "There." She pointed to a sign sticking out from a cart that had a kebab-looking thing on it. "Let's check that place out." She walked alongside him toward the stand and stood there, looking for the other two.

Aang smiled brightly. "I think we all know. Slim tall boy who loves meat above everything else." He nodded, looking forward as he walked. "He should be around here." Aang glanced around, then walked to the shop owner. "Excuse me sir, have you seen a tall, slim boy in a blue hoodie with a ponytail? He's also with a girl, shorter than him."

The old man looked at Aang. "Yes, he was here a few minutes ago and then went two stands down."

Aang nodded. "Thank you!" He returned to Katara.

"Two stands down from this one." He said.

Katara laughed. "I'm not sure how he's still skinny," she laughed. Then her face grew sober and she tilted her head onto one side. "I guess with all of the running and fighting that we do, we're all in good shape." The crowds were so thick that she couldn't even see past the next stand. "Fire Nation knows how to party," she giggled, putting a coin in the man's tip jar and leading the way toward another shack with meat on its sign. She found a blue hoodie through the crowd and grabbed Aang's hand, pulling him through the crowd and toward her brother. She stopped in front of Sokka and Toph, panting a little. "Hey," she called.

Sokka looked at them. "Oh hey, guys," he started as he ate. "I've heard someone talk about some map that leads to this huge library with ancient scrolls about bending techniques. Bending scrolls? Ancient bending scrolls? I don't know, something like that." He shrugged.

"We did kind of eavesdrop but hey, we didn't get caught!" Toph said with a smile.

The music came to a stop and Katara whipped around, eyes wide. Guards were pushing through the crowd. "Where is the Avatar?" One of the guards spoke, looking around as everyone fell silent. "We heard there's been sightings of the Avatar around here." He smirked. "Show yourself and everything will go back to normal."


A/N so... yeah. this probably went about how y'all expected. now the question is, will they get captured or escape? read on, my dudes

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