Chapter 31

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A while later, Zuko and Athlea returned. They made their way to the throne room, where the firebenders sat. Dai stood next to Athlea, and Katara and Toph a stride away. Aang and Sokka were to line up on Zuko's side, leaving room between themselves and the Royalty. Guards brought in two of the former mental facility guards.

"Word has gotten out that Azula, former Princess of the Fire Nation, has escaped during the shifts you had last week," Athlea started in a calm manner. "Care to explain how and why? We assume that some of you might have been working with her, and maybe the minority were simply innocently oblivious. Or... maybe you were all involved." Silence fell across the room. "Please, talk away." Fear was plastered across the guards' faces.

Finally a guard spoke. "Princess Azula has returned."

Zuko leaned back, eyebrows raised. "I won't tell you again to stop referring to an outcast as Royalty."

"Princess Azula has returned." Athlea glanced at Zuko. He met her gaze.

Dai blinked. Zuko coughed, flicking a finger at the servants by the door. They opened the door and the commanders came back in. Zuko nodded, and the guards were put into handcuffs. Athlea blinked a few times.

"If you don't speak, we have no choice but to put you in prison."

"Princess Azula is back."

"Oh, come on," Dai muttered.

"Athlea, do you have anything to add?" Zuko glanced at her.

Athlea's gaze went icy and she stood before the guards could repeat themselves again. "Silence!" she shouted, a flame in her hand as she glared down at them. Dai put both hands on her staff while Zuko raised his eyebrows.

Sokka's eyes widened and he blinked a few times. "When... When did Athlea get so pissy? Did we ever see her this mad? It's terrifying." He whispered to Aang, shivering. Zuko glared at him. Sokka met his gaze, then looked away, clearing his throat. Aang glanced at Sokka and shook his head.

"Since all of you decided to join your dearest Azula, why don't we talk about where she is?" Athlea asked, standing in front of the handcuffed guards, giving them a deadly look.

The guards stared back at Athlea, stone-faced. Zuko shook his head, snapping his fingers. "They can shower when they decide to speak." The staff left the room.

The flame in Athlea's hand disappeared as the commanders took the guards away. The Fire Lady took a deep breath and let it out, looking away for a second, a hand on her temple as she massaged it. "This is stupid," she said, clearly annoyed. "It's like they're brainwashed!" Athlea said, facing Zuko now.

"Athlea, you need to calm down," Aang suggested.

She frowned. "Right, I apologise," she said, eyebrows furrowed.

Zuko put a hand on the back of Athlea's knee, not saying anything for a moment. Finally he stood, glaring at Aang and Sokka. "Do you two not know what a throne room is?" he said, his voice low and dangerously... calm. "Sokka, what you said was unacceptable. And Aang, don't tell my wife what to do in our throne room. She has every right to be upset."

"We should just rest for today. We can talk about it tomorrow. There are a few rooms prepared for you." She gave a small smile as she looked at them before giving them a nod and leaving the throne room.


Zuko gave Athlea a minute alone before he went to his room. His wife was seated at her vanity, her crown in front of her. She was taking the pins from her hair. She looked into the mirror as Zuko entered the room. "I don't like getting out of character," she admitted, grabbing her comb and brushing her shiny black hair, "but repeating every phrase? Without an answer? That's annoying." She glanced at him over her shoulder, frowning.

Zuko came up behind Athlea, who glanced up at him, messing up her hair and rubbing her scalp for a moment. She closed one eye, reopening it and smiling as he leaned down and kissed her jaw. "Is it a character when you're the queen of the Fire Nation?" he murmured. He gently took the comb from her and started brushing her hair. He stood up straight again as he worked on her long hair.

"Mmm... No..." she responded as her gaze moved back into the mirror, watching him.

"I think she made sure they only responded to anyone with that phrase. On the plus side, we know who the traitors are and don't have to deal with charging as many guards. Though I'll still be firing them." He leaned down and kissed the top of her head. Her smile grew.

"Looks like we have to find our own clues since they won't be talking."

"Like we always do," Zuko sighed. "And I'm just as angry as you."

"Oh yes, I know, and no one dares to confront you when you're angry," she said with a giggle, stroking his arm with her hand.

He laughed softly. "Except you. I think you're the only one scarier than me." He set the comb down on her vanity, kneeling next to her. He frowned. "Except maybe Dai. But she's... a different kind of crazy." He gave her a mischievous smile and she raised her eyebrows before he kissed her. She kissed him back, her hands behind his neck.

Athlea turned to face him, a smile on her face. She giggled. "A strong man needs an equally strong or stronger woman by his side." she said.

"I don't think you gave me a choice," Zuko responded, smiling. He grabbed her waist in both his hands. "How are you feeling?" he murmured, leaning up to kiss her jaw.

Athlea giggled against his lips as his hands grabbed her waist. She smiled and slightly faced away, giving him enough room to kiss along her jaw. "I'm feeling alright," she responded calmly, her blue eyes moving to him now. "Relaxed, I can say," she admitted, smiling, her hands dropping and wrapping around him instead, keeping him close to her body.

Zuko bit her neck playfully, sliding his hands up her back and holding her shoulder blades, hugging her. She blinked, smiling. "Of course you are. I have a very relaxing aura to me. Are you ready for bed, Master Athlea?"

"Oh indeed you do." she said teasingly. "Mmm... Haven't heard that in a while." She giggled as she kissed his neck and then took his hand leading him to the bed.


A/N these two just always gonna be in a honeymoon phase, mm? they're so cute. also... Athlea and her sex. smh.

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