Chapter 33

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The next day began with the typical affairs of Palace life for Athlea and Zuko. However, Athlea managed to catch a break, sitting in the Royal garden of the Palace under a tree, relaxing with her eyes closed. She heard people approach her and opened her eyes; Katara and Dai. "Looks like you found your way into the garden," she said calmly.

Katara nodded as she walked down the garden path, her arm linked with Dai's. "It's nice that you let your uncle put this in," she said, smiling. "I think the Fire Nation needed it." She and Dai sat down next to Athlea.

Athlea nodded, smiling. "It seemed dead," she said with a shrug. "A bit of green, trees, a few ponds here and there, and flowers would make it lively, and here we are now."

Katara blinked, shrugging as she watched the garden. "It does look a lot better," she agreed.

Athlea nodded. "I hope you both slept well. I told the maids to create a comfy atmosphere in your rooms, hence the candles I think you might have found."

Dai nodded. "They smelled like the sea. Nice touch." Athlea nodded, smiling.

Katara looked down at her lap, cheeks rosy. "I actually, uh, slept in Aang's room."

"Now that's something new," Athlea said with a bright smile, her arms crossing.

Dai slapped her arm. "No shit?! What happened?" Her eyes gleamed. "Did Katara finally get some?" Athlea giggled.

Katara smacked her leg. "We didn't do anything!" she laughed.

"You didn't?" Athlea asked, surprised. "Wow... I'd expect something. You two seem to have gotten very close," Athlea said. "Aren't you two, like, official yet?" She raised an eyebrow.

Katara shook her head. "No!" She traced circles on her thigh with a finger. "He is my best friend, and I like him... a lot. But we're not." She shrugged a shoulder. "First there was Republic City, and we did get together for a little while, but then Sokka and I lost our dad..." She shrugged. "I sound like I'm making excuses." Athlea giggled, facing forward and slightly tilting her head to the side.

"Because you are," Dai said.

"You are," Athlea said at the same time. "You should make a move or something." Her gaze returned to the other women. "You two are obviously close; he allowed you in his room. Of course it means something. Besides, it is obvious he cares about you." A playful smile crossed her lips, and Katara blushed.

Katara looked at Athlea suddenly. "You think I should make a move?" She blinked, running a couple fingers along her nails. "Hm. Haven't heard that before. I guess Aang is shy." She listened to Athlea, blinking. "Well, yeah. And we have kissed. I just told him I needed a break when my father died, but--" She stopped, laughing softly. "Right. Excuses. Okay. Maybe I'll make a move."

Athlea looked at the waterbender girl and she nodded with a smile. "You should. Aang does tend to be shy, but maybe if you try and make the first move he'll loosen up."

Dai snorted and elbowed Katara, who put a hand on Dai's arm. "With any luck, you will too," she teased.

Katara slapped her arm. "Dai! I told you to stop the dirty jokes!" The water benders turned back to Athlea.

She shrugged and stood up, dusting herself off for a second before standing straight, a smile adorning her lips. "Well, duty calls. I think I took too long of a break," she said jokingly with a giggle, a hand on her hip. "Enjoy the garden."

"Have fun, your Majesty," Dai teased, bowing forward with a gesture of her hand.

Katara gave her a look. "You're a Royal too," she pointed out. They went back to their sisterly bickering.

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