Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Hello. Thanks for answering my request to hang out. I know it was sudden, but I couldn't stand being so bored on a day off of school."

"Yeah, I feel that. I'm glad I could help you avoid such boredom."

I smiled, remembering what he had said in the text.

"So, you said I could choose what we do, right?"

Gladion nodded. He seemed to be serious about this. Glad to see he keeps to his word. That's a good trait to have.

"When I think back to the sleepover we had before, I remember the times I was a little girl; wanting to have a dress-up party like that. It may seem silly, but that's what I'd like to do." I stated, hoping I didn't sound ridiculous.

"It's not silly. I don't mind us doing that. Lillie has a lot of clothes, including ones she doesn't wear anymore so I'm sure she wouldn't mind you using some of her clothes."

The two of us then headed to Lillie's room, where her massive clothing closet displayed more than enough material to work with.

"Does anything in particular stand out to you?" I heard Gladion question from the exit of the closet.


"Gladion, do you two have any matching outfits? For some reason I can imagine that happening."

Gladion thought for a moment, as if trying to remember something.

"I do believe we do have some matching outfits, or at least outfits that go together. My mother liked us to match and such."

A smile made its way to my face.



For the next hour or so, the two of us had fun wearing matching-themed outfits. I normally didn't enjoy playing dress-up, even though my time performing music with Hau and Sun made it so I would end up doing it often. But in this context, I could do it every day.

"Gladion, I don't think the nurse outfit will work for our doctor theme." (Name) stated, her head poking out from behind the closet door.

"Why not?" I questioned, turning to face her.

"It doesn't fit in certain areas..." (Name) stated, head face showing signs of embarrassment.

It didn't take long for me to understand what she meant.

... Don't think dirty thoughts... Don't think dirty thoughts...

"That's alright. You stated you wanted to do a 'high class' theme next, right?"

(Name) nodded.

"Thanks for understanding."

And with that, she disappeared into the depths of Lillie's closet.

Meanwhile, I headed back to my room to get changed. Normally I found the 'high class' aesthetic quite boring and overused, but if (Name) wants that, then that's what she gets.

Being able to wear matching outfits with her is an amazing activity I didn't realize I needed in my life.

What I wouldn't do to keep her smiling.


"Wow; I think that's the most fun I've had in awhile." I stated, falling back on the bed.

"I agree." Gladion stated, closing the door to the now-clean closet.

As I was glancing at the ceiling, my eyes glanced over at the nearby clock on the wall.

... She's Mine... (Yandere!Alola Boys X Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن