Meeting Magcon

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All the boys surrounded me. There were so many! I really needed to learn their names, so I took a deep breath and asked, "Who are you?" The boys all laughed and one of them said, "Well she's an impatient one!" The oldest boy said, "I'm Cameron, but you can call me Cam." One by one, all the boys introduced themselves. Names and faces blurred together until the last four greeted me. "Hi I'm Matthew, but everybody calls me Matt." Next a boy with dark hair, and deep brown eyes told me his name. " 'Sup, I'm Brent." I noticed that all the other boys rolled their eyes when Brent said this.

The last two to introduce themselves were the boy with brilliant blue eyes, and the youngest one. They looked remarkably alike, and I wondered if maybe they were related. The older boy went first. "Hey, I'm Nash. Welcome!" He gave me a blinding smile. I instinctively smiled back. The youngest boy went next. He gave am a shy smile and a wave as he said, "I'm Hayes. It's nice to meet you." I waved back back at him with a smile.

" Wait a minute. Who's Nashley?" I asked, sort of confused because I knew that someone had said that name in the car. The boys all started laughing and I must of looked sort of annoyed because Nash gave me another blinding smile and told me, "It's what the boys call me sometimes, but it's ok. You didn't know."

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