"You'll be running back."

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing here. I told you to leave." I said walking out from behind the counter and towards him.

I kept my distance because I still didn't trust him.

"Calm down, I just want to talk." He said.

He soup fed tired, but I could care less.

"Calm down? Like you did the other night?" I said furiously. "You have no place to tell me to calm down."

"I know, but can we please just talk?" he said taking a step towards me.

I took another step back.

"What is there to talk about? I don't even know who you are anymore."

"You think I'm the only one who's changed?" he said raising his voice. "You're the one who's already making out with another guy!"

It was silent for a moment, but then I realized what he had just said.

"How do you know about that?" I said quietly but my anger was very much present.

"I followed you to the treehouse," he said as if there was no problem with that.

"So now you're spying on me?"

"What? No, I-"

"Then what were you doing?" I crossed my arms. "You think it's a normal thing to just follow people who clearly don't even want you in their life anymore?"

"You don't mean that." he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have said it."

"Okay, so I shouldn't have followed you, but-"

"You shouldn't have done a lot of things." I yelled.

I turned around, I couldn't even look at him anymore. Tears were forming in my eyes and I knew if I looked at him, they would all come rushing out.

"Ella, please just look at me." he walked up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder.

I jumped at his touch then shoved his hand off my shoulder.

"Don't touch me." my face was turning red with anger.

"I messed up, I know that, but you out of everyone should know that all the years we've spent together can't just go away overnight," he said backing away from me and towards the door. "You'll be running back. I know you will. You always do."

And with that, he left. I watched him through the window to make sure he didn't come back. When he was out of my sight I went back behind the counter and waited for the next customers to walk into the door.

Thankfully Gran was back in the kitchen the whole time so she didn't hear what had just happened, and the rest of the bakery was empty.

I went back to the counter where I was sitting and lifted myself up onto it then picked up my book and returned to the page I left off on.

His words were stuck in my head, "you'll be running back" playing over and over again in my mind. It would've been true if we had fought about anything else, but this time I was gonna run away from him. Not back to him. I couldn't.

The next couple of hours felt like the longest. Only a couple more customers came in, but none of them stayed for long. They just ordered then left once they got their food. I was kind of glad though, I didn't feel like having to talk to anyone much right now.

At 5, Gran let me leave. I could've gone to the sandlot because the sun didn't set till 7, but I just felt like going home.

I lay there in bed, my AirPods in blasting music, when I got a text from someone.

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