(32) Family Surprises

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*liams pov*

We just walked out of Harry's second appointment. The babies were growing well at 12 weeks. He told us we should know their gender in a couple weeks. Now we've just gotta tell my parents tonight at the pack party for dads birthday. ( Ik its not really his bday but go with it)

It'll be easy to tell them since all of our parents will be here together in one place. Well except for zayns mom. The boys were all upstairs taking a nap, but yet I'm stuck doing paperwork. I'd rather be cuddling them.. but I need to keep us in line, so. 

*2 hours later*

I stood up, finally being done with my work. I walked upstairs hearing snoring coming from our room. I walked in, seeing all the boys cuddled together. I walked over to the edge, taking off my suit jacket. I pulled my shoes off, then moved the blankets back. I cuddled in behind Niall, wrapping my arms around his waist. I tucked my head into his neck, taking in his scent.  He wiggled, probably due to my beard. I kissed his neck, laying my head down behind his. "I love you boys"  I smiled, closing my eyes and falling asleep. 

I woke up to feeling being shoken. I opened my eyes, rolling on my back. I looked up smiling at zayn, "yes baby"

"Its already four and we've got to be at your parents at 6. Plus we still need to talk about what we're gonna say to your parents."

"Were gonna hand them a picture and tell them that Harry got pregnant on our wedding night."

"Alright love"

He leaned down, pecking my lips. He pulled back, giving me a weak smile. "I'm gonna go finish moving all my paint stuff into my old bedroom."

"Sounds good love, then we'll have 4 rooms on this floor for kids and 6 on the top"

"You want 10 kids!?"

"I mean, I want atleast two from each of us if we can. But I don't wanna over work Harry. I'd still like some sexytime without having to worry about hurting our baby"

Zayn smirked, leaning back down. "As long as your all happy, im alright with having how ever many kids you all want"

I put my hand on his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. He smirked at me, "alright time to get up. I'm going to take a shower, get them up"

"Oh, can I join pretty boy?"

"Not today. Were on a time schedule, maybe next time"

He got up, walking into the bathroom. I sat up, looking over at the other boys. They were all sounds sleeping. I leaned down pecking nialls cheek. He groaned, rolling over so his face was in the pillows. "Niall, you gotta get up, we've gotta get to my parents'

He didn't move at all. "Niall I've got pizza!"

He rolled over shooting up, "pizza? Where!?"

"I don't have any love. But I needed you to get up. You've gotta get ready to go to my parents."

"Ugh fine. But you owe me a pizza bitch"

I leaned over kissing his cheek. He got up, walking over to the closet. I looked at Louis holding Harry tightly against his chest. Harry was starting to get a baby bumb, but hopefully my parents just think ifs cause their twins, and not cause their actually double the age were telling them. I leaned down, setting my hand on Harry's stomach. I leaned down so i was right about him. "Hey baby, its one of your daddys here. I just wanna say that we all love you and we can't wait to meet you two. Were getting everything out here ready for you. Hopefully you'll love it. We love you so much. I'm so excited to start expanding our family with you two."

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