(19) Graduation

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I woke up with Harry curled against my chest. I looked around to see the other three boys still asleep. I leaned over, running my hand through nialls hair. I'm so glad we're all alright. I mean, Harry's healed and is doing just fine. Nialls gained his muscles and weight back, but he's still gotta go to the therapist's twice a week. Zayn cut his hair down a bit, but its still pretty long. Which lead Harry to cutting his down some as well. Now Liam being a stupid idiot, broke his arm trying to jump off our roof into the pool. His dad and I weren't very happy. But the other boys thought it was funny. So I guess its alright.. And we haven't seen anything of Stefan, which is amazing. Hopefully he'll just stay away for good and let us live out happy life. Hopefully. 

I hummed out happily looking at all of them. Today I finally graduate from secondary school(high school). Well, Niall, zayn, and I. Harry just gonna be our stay at home, do the omega things like cook and clean (not really since we have a maid). Plus liams gonna be the pac alpha, he won't have time for a job. But I mean, this house and our cars are paid off, we'd only ever have to worry about food and things like gifts for my mates. Which maybe I should get them a gift? I haven't In a while. Or maybe ill just propose. I mean I've been thinking about it for awhile, but I think its time. I mean. We've been together for almost a year and a half with Harry, but 4 and half with the boys. Maybe I'll propose in November, since that'll be between our two anniversaries. 

I got pulled from my thoughts by Liam rolling over, hitting me in the face with his cast. He shot up, letting out a screamed pain, holding his cast. I reached my hand up, setting it on my face. "Thanks. It better not fucking swell for today. "

He looked back at me. "I'm sorry, u know that hurt me too."

I moved my hand over to his thigh. "Are you alright love?"

"Ya, I'll be fine."

He laid back down, rolling over to face me. He reached over, wrapping his arms around mine. He laid his head down on my bicep. "We've probably gotta get up soon. You've guys gotta be there around 12"

"We can lay here for another 20 minutes. We all showered last night, so we really aren't in a hurry babe"

"Alright lou"

We laid there in silence as he drew over my tattoos. A couple minutes later, the alarm starting going off. Zayn reached over slamming it off,"fucking hell mate, why you so loud"

Liam and I looked over at him. He smiled awkwardly, "Hey, I didn't realise you two were up"

I leaned over pecking his cheek. "Ya we are, do you assault our clock everyday? Is this why we're on our 5th one in here?"

"Maybe. But I won't tell"

He smirked over at us. I stuck my tongue out. "Your gonna start paying for them mister."

Liam let out a laugh. I turned and looked at him. "Oh, you'll be introuble too"

He blushed, staring down at the bed. I squeezed his thigh. He pushed himself up so his head down laying on my shoulder. I wrapped my arm around his waist, pulling him close. Harry shifted, wrapping his arm around Liams waist as well. Liam smiled, grabbing onto Harry's arm, holding him. Zayn scooted over, pulling me back against his chest. I looked at liam. "Grab Niall. I don't want him feeling left out.."

He turned away from me,wrapping his arms around Nialls waist. Niall let out a groan, rolling into Liams chest. Liam scooted back against me, then rolled over so Niall was beside harry sorta of both of our chests. Niall reached up, gripping onto my shoulder. Liam made himself comfortable against my side. Zayn leaned down, kissing my forehead. He put his arms on my sides, holding me aswell. I tightened my arms around the three boys. Niall brought his other arm up, rubbing his eyes. He opened them, looking up at me. "Oh, hi lou."

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