(16) Death Bed

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I parked the car, then the four of us ran inside. The nurse looked at us. "Were here to see Mr. Styles"

"Hes in room 212, but I'm saying now, please brace yourselfs."

I grabbed Zayn's hand, while Liam had Niall's. We walked down the hall until we were outside the door. I could smell Harry's dad and family inside. I grabbed the handle and turned and looked at them. I turned the knob, the opened the door. We walked inside to see Harry. He had no shirt on, but a huge bandage on his stomach and all kinds of bruises on his face and stomach. I felt my stomach tighten up. Harry father looked at me. He walked over and pulled me into a hug. "We'll let you guys says your goodbyes.."

He grabbed his wife and Gemma's hand, leading them out of the room. I led zayn over to one side of the bed, while Liam and Niall went to the other side. I let go of Zayns hand. I leaned down a kissed Harry's forehead. "Haz baby, were all here. Zayn, Niall, me, and even Liam. Were all here love. And we all love you"

I looked up at zayn. He grabbed onto Harry's hand. "I love you Harry"

Tears started to slid down his face quietly. I looked across at Niall. He leaned up and pecked Harry's cheek. Stoping at his ear. "I love you haz.."

He pulled his self back, almost about to lose it. Liam grabbed Nialls hand, then sat it on Harry's, holding both. "I love you Harry"

Niall began to sob. He turned around and buried his face in liams shirt. Liam held him with one hand around his waist, while still holding Harry's hand. I wrapped my arms around Zayn's waist. We stayed there crying for what felt like forever. A doctors knocked on the door, us all pulling apart. He walked in and weakly smiled at us. "Hello how are you related to the patient?"

I stepped forward. "We're his mates"

"Well I'm not going to sugar coat this. We really don't think he'll make it through the night. If he does it would be a miracle.  We believe he has internally bleeding. We can't find out though. If I was you I'd try and see if you can connect internally and say goodbye. If he's still here in the morning, I'll recheck him"

"Thank you"

He turned and walked out of the room. I looked at the boys. "We need to hold hands and try and connect with Harry. He needs to know we love him incase."

They all looked at me. I held zayns hand and grabbed Harry's. Niall hesitantly took Harry's hand and Liams. Liam leaned across grabbing Zayns hand. Niall leaned his head on Liams shoulder. He kissed Nialls head. Then looked over at us. "It'll be ok loves"

I closed by eyes, waiting on the boys. I felt them all slowly pop into our main "group" where we all could talk. The other three boys were there. We all called out for Harry. "Harry come out"

I felt a small presence. "Harry?"

His weak presence came towards us. "L-lou?"

"We're all Harry"

"It hurts lou"

" I know love it's gonna be ok.. just relax and breath. We all wanted to talk to you"

Z:we're here Harry. Please just know we love you

Li: We really do love you Haz


N: I'm sorry harry. I love you so much. I wish this was me and not you..

H: I love you all too.. but I'm not gonna make it am i..

Lo: baby.. we don't know. If your strong enough, fight through this. But if this pains too much.. its ok, just go to sleep. 

H:I don't wanna leave..

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