(17) Coming Home

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I woke up excited. Today Harry gets to come home! I hopped out of my bed, running down the hall to Liams. I opened the door and walked in. He was sprawled out across his bed face down. I jumped on his back, slapping his shoulders. He let out a groan. "Niall, can I please sleep?"

"No! Harry gets to come home today!"

"One Niall, one. Its 8 30 in the morning. Please lets go back to bed."

He flipped me off of him, then rolled on his side looking at me. "Lets go back to sleep please"

"Fine I guess, but 11 at the latest"

He lifted his arm up, as I scooted against his chest. He wrapped it around my back, making little circles on it. I looked up at him. " I wanna get my muscles back, and be able to protect Harry when he gets home."

"We can start going to the gym like before. But right now, go to sleep"

He kissed my forehead, then closed his eyes. I kissed his chin, then closed my eyes falling back to sleep. 

I woke up to feeling cold. I rolled over to see Liam and the boys talking. Zayn had his arms around Louis waist listening to them talk. I sat up, dropping my legs over the side. Liam turned his head and looked at me. "Oh, did we wake you up? We're sorry baby"

I hopped up, and walked over to them. Liam immediately pulled me against his chest. I smiled over at Louis and Zayn. "What were you talking about?"

"Haz.. were gonna bring him home and get him up in our big room. He can stay up there until he heals. Then one of us can be with him at all times incase he needs something"

"What are we gonna do about school?"

"Well Liam isn't gonna be able to graduate. And now Harry can't. We've missed the rest of this week. So during the day Liam can stay with him while atleast us three go to school and graduate."

"Oh alright lou"

"Now let's get dressed and let's go grab some food before going to the hospital."

He pulled away from zayn, then turned and walked down the hall. Zayn turned and walked out, heading to his room. I gave Liam a kiss them went to my room to get dressed. I pulled out some grey skinnys, a white shirt and a long-sleeve flannel. I dont wanna wear short sleeves and show the pack how much weight and muscle I've lost. They'd think i was weak.. I pulled on my clothes. Letting a tear fall down my cheeks. I don't wanna be a weak alpha. I want to be strong and be able to protect Harry, not have to be protected myself. I need to get my muscles back. I finished getting dressed. As I was wiping my face, Liam came in. "You ready to go babe?"

"Ya, let's go"

I grabbed my phone and wallet then followed behind Liam. We went out and got in Louis car. He drove us to IHOP. I jumped out excited. Liam chuckled at me. "Well, let's go!"

They all got out and we went in and got seated. The lady came over and took our order. Once she walked away, Louis looked at us. "We need to talk about to do with stefan if comes back with his pac."

Liam stood and looked at him. "If he comes back, I'll rip his throat out too. I mean you've seen what I've done to his face. I don't think he's going to mess with us anymore. "

"I'm serious Liam. You realise he beat and almost killed out mate."

"Ya I do. And I'm the one who save our mate, but I don't get no joy from waking up from a coma"

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