(5) Telling Truths

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*Harry's Pov*

I woke up squished between Zayn and Liam. I sat up and Liam growned. He wrapped his arm around my waist. I un did him arm, then I got up and looked at the clock, it was only 6 so I went to my room and hopped in the shower. Once I was done and dressed i went back to Louis room. I walked over and tapped louis. "Lou its 6 30. You guys need to get up and get ready for school please "

He reached over and slapped them each in the face. "Louiss"

They all sat up. Niall looked pissed. "Well whatd you do that for!?"

Louis just laughed. I walked around and sat down on Nialls lap. "'M sorry ni. Louis being a butthead this morning."

He leaned down And kiss my forehead, "not our fault Lou's just crabby in the mornings."

I leaned up and kissed him. He picked me up and carried me to his room, then threw me down on the bed. I giggled, then sat up against his head board. He went into the bathroom and left the door cracked open. I heard the shower turn on. I laid down and began to play on his I pad. Then door opened and Niall walked out on just a towel. He came around and sat down beside me on the bed. He grabbed his table and threw it in his clothes pile. "Hey. I was playing on that!"

He leaned over and began to tickle me, then jumped up on me. "Niall stopp" I yelled as I laughed out. I grabbed his waist. He leaned down and kissed me. I pushed back up against him and grabbed his waist tightly. He leaned down and began to kiss my neck. He pushed his whole body down against mine. "Niall"

He looked up at me, then went back to attacking my neck. He began to suck right behind my ear. I let out a little moan,"Ni "

He let out a groan then looked up at me. I put my hand on his neck and pushed him down to me, beginning to kiss him. He licked the bottom of my lip and I opened, letting his tongue explore my mouth. He bit my bottom lip and grinded down against me. I let out a moan into his mouth. He ran his hands down my side. Then put them under my shirt, running them along my sides. "Eh hem."

Niall jumped up off of me. Louis stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. I get all red and hid under Nialls blankets. I heard Niall get up and go into his closet, shutting the door behind him. I heard shoes clacking, then the blanket was pulled off of me. Louis stood there looking at me. "What were you up to baby?"


"Ya sure, didnt look like it." 

I leaned up and kissed him. He put his hands on my shoulders. He kissed me one more time. He took a step back from me. I Then jumped off of the bed and started running downstairs. I got to the bottom step and ran into something hard. I fell back against the step. I looked up to see Liam. 

He leaned down and pulled me against his chest. "Oh babydoll, I'm sorry. Why were you running?"

"To get away from Lou and Niall"

"What happened?"

".... nothing!"

I got out of his grip and went into the kitchen with Zayn. I sat down there with him until everyone was ready to go. Niall and Louis came downstairs together holding hands. "Let's go loves"


We pulled into the parking lot and all hopped out of Louis car. He came around and grabbed my hand. We walked in and everybody looked at us. Gemma ran up and gave me a hug. "So how was sleeping there the last two nights?" She did her normal eye brow wiggle at me. 

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