Chapter 2: In The ACTUAL Beginning

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So, I've established that I did Speech and Debate. But, I think we need to talk about it a hell of a lot more because I don't think y'all understand how heavily invested I was into this activity. This activity was my Life and purpose. I only cared about Speech and Debate, and that's not really a great mindset I have to say. It really caused me to be self centered on myself to the point where I ended up hurting the ones I wanted to protect, and that's ultimately why I left. Now, I want to give you the full story, the director's cut edition of this story, because I think it's quite an interesting one. So, strap in folks, it's about to get fucking wild.

So our story begins at the very beginning of high skool freshmen year. I'm talking Day 1 Period 1 right at 8:00am. My first class is Geometry and I walk in and I'm super sweaty. I'm entering a completely new environment full of people who are bigger than me and are heartless pieces of shit, so yeah I was quite a bit nervous. When I walk in, I know no one. Some people knew each other from middle skool, but I kinda suck at making friends and most people don't like being around me, so yeah it felt like I was at the DMV in Venezuela or some shit. So, I eventually find myself sitting in the back of the classroom so I don't draw attention to myself. Then once the bell rings, I see this guy come up to the front of the classroom who looked like he was in his early 30's or something like that, and he just starts talking so fast that I literally am about to shit my pants. Like I don't think you understand how fast this guy talked it was insane.

I'm sitting there like "Uhhh what do I do? Do I take notes on this?" Turns out, all he was saying was "Good Morning Class, my name is Mr. Jefferson I'm going to be your Geometry Teacher this year." His name isn't actually Mr. Jefferson, but when he talked it reminded me of Thomas Jefferson from Hamilton, so I referred to him as Jefferson. Anyway, Mr. Jefferson talked super fast, and it was like the most intimidating introduction to high skool possible.

So, that was an interesting first class. Eventually, I was able to keep with his breakneck talking speed and then Geometry finally became more of a chill class. Mr. Jefferson was such a kool teacher. Sometimes when we were learning stuff he'd say "Actually you know what I don't want to teach this and you don't actually need this shit in real life anyway." He used to be an engineer for almost 10 years, so he actually knew what stuff you needed to know in life, and that made life so much easier in his class. However, the thing I found really annoying was that at the end of every class he'd say "Oh don't forget I'm the Speech and Debate coach and we're always welcome to new members and you should join and it'll be so much fun." Now, the first time this happened, I was okay with it because I didn't know he coached Speech and Debate, but by class number 10 I was like "We get it, that's kool and all, but we literally don't give a shit!"

Eventually he just kept doing this. Every single class. It was just so repetitive and obnoxious that eventually one day I was like "Fuck it. I'm just going to take the noble sacrifice and go to one of these speech practices or whatever so he can stop acting like a god damn broken record." So one day after class I approach him after class and am like "Where do I join." And I can tell he was exhilarated that his extremely repetitive method worked. So, I showed up to one of these practices, and by God was this the biggest culture shock of my life. For those of you who don't know, peeps who do Speech and Debate are quirky as fuck. I was met with so many eyes locked onto me and wondering who this kid was. Well, little did they know I was going to have a hell of an impact. Basically, a bunch of people said high, and I managed to draw a ton of attention to myself even though I didn't want to. Then, Mr. Jefferson took my and some other kids, whom I think we're also new, and brought us into a room. Little did I know that my mind was about to fucking explode.

Now, I've explained in a previous chapter how speech works, so I'm going to skip that whole part and its absurdity, and I'll just jump to once Mr. Jefferson finishes explaining. So after Mr. Jefferson pops off and spends almost an hour talking about the insanities of the world of sped and debate (for those of you at home, sped and debate is the same as speech and debate, I just like using the word sped because it represents stuff that is just mental and stupid sometimes, like Speech and Debate. Anyway, resume), I just sit there and think to myself "What the fuck did I just listen to." It was a lot to take in at one and there was so much random shit I was like "Well this has been just one of the dumbest fucking things I've ever heard of. People go spend their entire weekend wearing suits and shit to give boring ass speeches only to be screwed over by dumb judges." Note to y'all, I'd say 90% of Speech and Debate judges don't know what they're doing.

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