Chapter 1: In The Beginning...

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I don't even know how to begin a sentence, let alone a book. I can barely spell two syllable words, and here I am deciding to write a book, something that requires an immense amount of time, energy, precision, and the ability to possess grammar skills beyond third grade. Oh baby, here we go. This sure is going to be one hell of a book. This isn't even a book at this point. It's just me being like "Hmmmm let'see what I can do with shit I've written in my diary." That's right, I'm a 16 year old kid and I have a diary. What r u gonna do about it? Nothing, exactly, because it's a book and I'm not actually here with you while you're reading this. I'm not gonna lie, don't expect anything spectacular from this book. I'm just a kid. Depending on what draft you're reading of this, expect there to be typos. The last draft was supposed to be the last one but...things never go as planned when writing anything. Writing is complicated, and getting my thoughts down on paper time and time again has proved to be difficult.

It's wild actually, the first third of this book used to be completely different than what it is now. I talked a lot more generically about Life and my personal views on a lot of issues. However, I doubt you give a shit about my political views and whatnot. Oh yeah, I tend to swear here and there, it depends on how angry I am. A lot of people think vulgar language is bad, but I mean, it exists for a reason, so it ought to be used at some point. All words have a purpose, and they should be used accordingly. Granted, sometimes I swear just because I feel like it, but if you've ever been in high skool, then you can't deny you've said some aggressive shit here and there. OH YEAH, another note to add, I don't spell skool the normal way. I spell it with a 'k'. Why? I dunno, I just kinda feel like it.

By now you can tell this book is going to be nothing short of interesting, but hey at least it's nothing absurdly long. I have a bunch of stuff I've taken out from the book in order to make things flow a bit better. Maybe one day I'll have a director's cut to my book. That actually would be incredibly funny. I wonder how many drafts Shakespeare had of his works? What if we one day found some leftover stuff that Shakespeare had written, like we did with Dr. Suess. Imagine a director's cut of Hamlet. Jesus Christ that would actually break the fabric of reality as we know it. Unfortunately, I don't exist on the same tier of power that Shakespeare did, so I doubt anyone would want to read my "director's cut". Damn, well, that was an interesting tangent. Expect that to be one of many. I tend to go off the rails and just let whatever I'm thinking about fly onto the paper. It's like writing in a stream of conscious manner.

Well, I guess I better introduce myself to you. Some of you reading this may know me, and some of you might not. However, I assure you that none of you really know me the way I know myself, so I'm sure there's plenty to unbox here when it comes to discovering my character. That's kinda what this first chapter is about, laying the foundation to what I'm like. If you don't like books that do these deep character dives and revolve around instances and improve via self reflection, then this book probably isn't the one for you. Though, if you do stick around on this Oregon Trail of an adventure, then I assure you you'll find something valuable that's unique to your experience. Okay, NOW I'm going to actually introduce myself.

My name is Cameron Coolidge. That is my actual name, it's not a pseudonym. I figure if I'm going to write a book about personal experiences, then I ought to be as real as possible. I'm currently a junior in high skool at the time of writing this, though most of the events in this book occur prior to the present. What do I like to do? Idk, that question changes from time to time. I'm not one to necessarily stick to one specific activity for too long. I'm someone who desires diversity in what I indulge in. I believe that at a young age, being landlocked to one activity is too limiting, and you often miss out on other valuable experiences in your Life. I'm not saying that being devoted to something is bad, I just believe it's best to try a lot of different things in order to acquire perspective, until you find something that really clicks. In high skool, I did find something that I really clicked with, a bit too much in fact. This activity is known as Speech and Debate, and I was hooked onto it like a ketamine addict from Detroit.

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