"Do I have to?" he said plugging his nose.

"A dares a dare man!" Benny yelled.

Yeah Yeah started chanting "do it! Do it! Do it!" Which made the rest of us join in.

Squints closed his eyes and leaned in, still holding his nose so he wouldn't smell it, until...

"Oh my gosh, he actually did it!" Smalls yelled with his eyes wide open.

Squints had the most disgusted look on his face. "Hurry up and put your sock back on before I throw up on you, you disgusting child." he yelled at Ham.

Ham finally put his sock and shoe back on and we all could breathe without crying from the stench again.

The game went on for a while. No one called on me for a while. I was enjoying not being tortured by any dares.

When it got to be Bertram's turn to ask someone after attempting to do a handstand as his dare, he asked Benny.

"Dare." Benny said confidently, crossing his arms.

He and I were right next to each other, our shoulders touching. We were not expecting what Bertram was about to say at all.

Bertram sat there, stroking his chin, trying to think of a dare, until his face lit up and he sent Benny a mischievous look.

"I dare you..." he paused, gaining suspense. "...to kiss Ella."

Everyone's jaws dropped. Ham choked on his third s'more of the night.

My face turned bright red, and so did Benny's. He looked over at me, his eyes wider than I've ever seen him before.

"Just on the cheek right?" Benny asked nervously laughing.

"Nope. On the lips." Bertram said, making everyone's jaw drop even more.

"But she has a boyfriend." Smalls said in shock.

"We broke up." I said, a slight frown forming on my face.

All the boy's heads shot towards me, their mouths still wide open.

"Perfect!" Bertram said smiling. "Hope you brought some mints Benny man."

"Can you guys just look away then?" Benny said putting his forehead in the palm of his hand.

"Then it wouldn't count if no one saw it." Squints said. "A dare is a dare man." He said in a babyish voice, mocking what Benny told him earlier when he had to lick Ham's foot.

He looked at me, so I looked at him. Our faces were inches apart so we both scooted away from each other at the same time.

"Come on! I had to make out with Hams's foot! Ella is a MAJOR upgrade." Squints said.

"Hey! Don't say that about Sallie!" Ham said putting his hand on the foot that Squints licked.

"You named your foot?" DeNunez said judgingly while slowly turning his head towards ham.

"You didn't?" Ham said, shaking his head with a disgusted look on his face.

"Are you gonna do it or what?" Bertram said still eyeing Benny.

"Well... I-"

"It's okay Benny." I said putting my hand on his shoulder, making him look into my eyes. "It's just a dare right?" I laughed nervously.

"Right." He said with the same nervous laugh like me.

"How bad could it be?" I said shrugging my shoulders even though my face was almost as red as my hair.

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