"I stay loyal to my friends, to my slugs, to the gang..." I started as my gaze trailed and landed on the pair riding ahead of us. "... and to Blue."

"Fair enough," Trixie replied, pleased with my answer. "But just so you know, it is obvious when someone is in love. I have three years of experience. I can tell when someone has feelings for Eli."

"Well, with all due respect, I think you should consider reading up more on your interest," I giggled. "'Cause he may be a close friend of mine, but he is surely just a portrayal of him."

"We'll see," Trixie said as she let out a laugh, and the journey to Quiet Lawn Cavern was filled with the laughters and giggles of Eli and Mia, and with Pronto's occasional piercing yelps whenever Kord made his mecha beast fart.

We rode across caverns after caverns as I continue to contemplate on Trixie's statement, not noticing the transition of bioluminescent forest to rocky landscape taking place around us. Eli soon came to a halt and we imitated him.

"And once again! Pronto the magnificent has led the Shane Gang to Quiet Lawn Cavern!" Pronto exclaimed in the middle of the milling crowds of citizens on the road.

"Hey you, it's me! Pronto! Your mighty saviour! Remember me?" Pronto questioned loudly as he pointed at a full-grown man who was minding his own business on his mecha, and Pronto was shushed by the residents. Eli turned his mecha around, leading us the way to Red Hook's. Walking down the muddy, occupied road that cut straight through the peaceful cavern, my eyes explored the outlandish town.

In the center of the numerous mountains of golden yellow granite rocks was the residential area. Rows of old habitation lined up beside the road in a rather orderly arrangement, with chain-link fences separating each house. Attenuated street lights were installed along the road, with messy electrical wires hanging from one to another. The plantations here were beautiful, almost miraculous; they were emitting light rays of cyan, yellow and pink. A unique structure stood in the middle of the town. It was a road that concaved downwards. A flock of Grenuke slugs roosted upside-down below the huge erection, sleeping soundlessly.

As we walked past the busy road, a little girl was at the backseat of a mecha, her little arms hugging her mother's waist as her mother rode. I glanced at her as her mother's mecha approached and I gave her a warm smile. Her big warm eyes stared at me, and shock crossed her face when her eyes landed on the Shane's star on my bandoleer.

"Alessia!?" she exclaimed, eyes widened as she covered her mouth. It was as if time had stopped, everyone froze on their mechas and stared at us, some with wide grins and some with genuine shock. A group of men started to cheer as they recognized us, just to be shushed by the others. Despite being quiet, they still smiled at us. The Shane Gang, now being the center of attention, bowed slightly at the residents, before everyone resumed to do whatever they were doing.

"Seems like we really got famous," Mia said and turned her head towards me. "Especially Ales."

"This is not what I signed up for," I commented, and smirked. "But I'm not complaining."

I wore a warm smile as we continued our journey. After a few more turns and a few molenoid's pit stops, we finally reached Red Hook's.

We parked our mechas in front of an apartment, with similar bubble-like structure and overgrown grass on the roof. Dismounted from Dalinda, I followed the gang towards the entrance of the building. Eli knocked on the pitch-black door, and a very angry voice sounded from inside.

"I told you kids a trillion times already, now get lost!" an old, grumpy voice sounded. "Wow," I mumbled, surprised by the unexpected reproach. "He seems friendly."

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