
Melody woke up with a gasp and checked her surroundings. She was in the hospital wing. Melody pinched herself to make sure this was real and looked around her to see Harry, Quinn, Cedric, Dumbledore, Hermione, and Madam Pomfrey.

"Are you alright!"

"Do you remember anything?"

"Who are you? Where am I?" Melody mumbled and rubbed her head.

The room spread with worried expressions, did she really forget everything?

Melody began laughing and the room shot her confused looks. "I'm joking, I remember," she ensured.

"Don't scare me like that ever again!" Cedric said pulling his sister into a hug.

"What did you see?" Cedric asked pulling out of the hug. Before she could respond, Harry wrapped his arms around her.

"Why would you risk that?" He whispered, "You could have forgotten everything, yourself more importantly."

"That doesn't matter, I'm okay."

"So, what did you see while you were asleep?" Quinn asked.

Melody shook her head motioning she didn't want to talk about it.

"Do you remember where the totem is?" Dumbledore asked.

"No," she answered truthfully.

"I suppose you and Mister Diggory are free to stay at Hogwarts," Dumbledore announced.

Cedric furrowed his eyebrows confusedly.

"I'll tell you later," Melody said. "Can I leave?"

"You are free to go, the next twenty-four hours may feel heavy, but you will be okay," Madam Pomfrey assured.

"I'm so glad your okay," Hermione smiled, Melody returned the expression.

Melody swung her legs over the bed and put on her shoes.

"I'm so sorry, but if you don't mind I have to go, again I'm extremely sorry!" Hermione said.

"It's fine, I'm leaving anyway."

Melody walked out of the hospital wing, all of them going their separate ways except Melody and Harry. Quinn and Cedric went to the Black Lake, Dumbledore went back to his office, and Hermione went wherever she had to attend, leaving Harry and Melody walking back to the common room.

"I'm glad your okay," Harry smiled

"I am too."

Melody said the password to the fat lady after she sang to them, which was horrible by the way. She allowed the two to enter after a few more seconds of singing.

Melody and Harry sat on the love seat talking when he brought up the last thing she wanted to talk about.

"What did you see while you were asleep?" Harry asked her.

"I'd rather not..." Melody trailed off.

"Did you see...?" Harry asked indicating Dahlia.

"Yeah but that's not the only thing I saw, and I'd rather not talk about it."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you."

"No it's fine, I'm just glad I'm safe for now."

"Me too," he smiled.

Not even realizing how close she and Harry were, Harry pressed her lips on hers. Melody was immediate to push him off.

"Stop. You have a girlfriend, Harry."

"I'm sorry I just-"

"No, goodnight." Melody stormed up to her dorm.


Melody woke up on her alarm for once. She ruffled through the covers of her bed and did her usual morning routine, but this time she left her hair down since she was too tired to do it.

Melody walked down and into the common room where she was greeted by some mutual friends.

Melody made her way to the great hall where she spotted Quinn reading The Daily Prophet. Melody came over to her and sat next to her. She began filling her plate with pancakes and eggs.

"Hey, have you done something to your hair?" Quinn asked, finalize looking up from The Daily Prophet.

"I was too tired to do it," she replied nonchalantly and shrugged.

"Looks nice, you should be too tired to do it all the time," she chuckled

"Harry and I kissed," Melody blurted out. "Well, sort of, it's complicated."

"He has a girlfriend, Mel," Quinn said seriously.

"I know, I didn't let it escalate."

"Speak of the devil," she sighed and rolled eyes indicating that Harry was approaching.

"Melody can we talk?" Harry asked hopefully.



Melody sighed and turned around. "Well, talk," she urged.

"Could we talk privately," Harry said looking around The Great Hall.

"That depends, will your girlfriend be there?"

"No, please just talk to me," He pleads.

"Fine, I'll be back." Melody followed Harry outside the Great Hall.

"Speak. We don't have much time until class," she said impatiently.

"I wanted to say sorry."

"Ok, well you said it. Goodbye," Melody said as she began to walk away.

"Wait." He grabbed her hand.


"What can I do to get you to forgive me?"

"Time. And you should really tell Cho, not for me but your relationship," Melody said, leaving him with his thoughts.

I'll Still Love You Tomorrow | Harry J. PotterWhere stories live. Discover now