"Oh uh okay..and what does that have to do with me? I can tell you all I know but it's not much. And may I ask who you are?" I say

He laughs a little "Of course, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is officer Misha Martinez, I was assigned along with Nayil to this case. Anyways, what I was saying —
Nayil couldn't get anything out of him last night so when he offered them to come to his house for the game today Nayil took the opportunity"

"We didn't know about you Aurora, imagine my surprise when he introduced you. It complicated things, my mission was to find the evidence and get outta there but as soon as you were put into to the picture we needed to get you out of there first" Nayil adds

"Nayil contacted us a few minutes before meeting you so we elaborated a new plan. We would arrest him for assault and afterwards we found out we could charge him with rape too" detective Martinez says carefully and I flinch at the memory.

"After arresting him we could get a warrant to search his house and that way find everything we need to send him to jail for drug trafficking" Nayil finishes

"So, did you arrest him?" I ask

"We did. When he took you to your room, back up arrived so I was able to go get you. My team arrested him and his friends while I went up for you, that's when I found you. If I stopped him before the others arrived, you could've gotten hurt. It would be me against four of them and I didn't have my gun with me. Priority was to get you out alive and we almost couldn't"

I look away. I'm embarrassed of what I did. I let the darkness consume me. I promised myself I would never let him win but in a way, he already did.

"What will happen to me now?" I ask struggling to keep the shaking out of my voice.

"That's what I'm here for. Aurora, we found your dad and brothers. They were already contacted and your father is coming to pick you up at the airport and take you home." Karla explains with such a huge smile I'm pretty sure her jaw is hurting.

"Karla, I- I don't have any family that's why I was stuck with him" I say confused

"Oh honey you do. They've looked for you for years. Your mother took you away from them when you were 3 months old, she fled the country and gave you up for adoption when money was scarce" Karla explains.

"Oh. Umm do they know why I'm in the hospital?" I'm gonna freak out about this later but for now I'll settle with asking questions.

"No sweetie, we thought it should be up to you what you tell them. Your father was only informed of your living situation and why we were able to get you out"

"Okay so I don't have to tell them anything yet right?" I hesitantly ask. I'll be damned if someone forces me to talk about it all.

"No. That's completely up to you but it is recommended you get a rape kit. If they somehow look into your medical file they'll know"

Why would they be able to look into my file? Aren't those confidential?

"Do I have to get one? Do you need it for evidence?"

"Not really but even if we needed it that should be completely up to you. It's your choice. I had a hidden camera in my clothes, a microphone and my police report will be enough" comes from Nayil. I had forgotten he was here

My eyes widen and I turn scarlet. "A-a video tape?"

"I'm sorry but yes we'll need it for the trial as long as we get your consent of course" Nayil says. I'm not liking this guy much despite saving me from death, he failed to save me from a fate worse than taking my last breath.

"Oh. Okay. Then I want to get out of here now can I?" I ask. How they haven't shut me up is beyond me.

"Yes, I'll take you to meet your dad as soon as we get you discharged" Karla says.


After I give my declaration and refuse getting a rape kid or any strong pain meds, I finally get out of the hospital. I thanked Nayil and Misha for their help.

I didn't want anything else added to my file for people to know. I asked Karla and the detectives not to mention it to the nurses or doctors. I'm already embarrassed enough.

A family. I have a family. Will they be like Riggo? Do they love me? Why did mom abandon me? What if they're — disgusted by me? Will they send me back when they discover how broken I am inside?

Is there hope for me after all...?

What do y'all think about Nayil? I don't like him much

How do you expect her family to be?

I didn't like writing this one, it was pretty much a filler chapter...

Don't forget to ⭐️  and comment, it'll make my whole day
Thank you for reading loves!

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