☆ People In The Story ☆

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Hey everyone. So, I can't even keep track of all the people in my books at this point. We're gonna do this, so bare with me, ok? Thanks to everyone who likes this book!

Warning! Spoiler Alert, big-time. Especially Zuko and Azula.... Also a few swears, so yeah. 

1. Aang- 
Aang, our basic cinnamon roll. Always sweet and kind, dating Katara. Reminder, he did die last book, but he wakes up, don't worry.

2. Katara-
Katara, the mother of us all. Super sweet and caring, dating Aang. Siblings are Sokka and Katora, who was found in the last book. Her father is still Hakoda, and Kya's still watching over her. 

3. Katora-
The Spirit Twin to Katara. She was found in the last book, I made her then, but they're Spirit Twins, so the same age. She's pretty much Katara, minus the temper, and she's dating an O.C, Timber. Siblings are Sokka and Katara, and her parents are Hakoda, and Kya's watching over her.

4. Sokka-
Sokka, the prankster/oogie-guy in our group. Super funny and nice, dating Suki. Siblings are Katara and Katora, who was found in the last book. His father is still Hakoda, and Kya's still watching over him. 

5. Toph-
Toph, our bad bitch, the Blind Bandit. She's young and blind, but I bet she'll kick your ass in a second. Despite that strength, she can really be sweet and caring sometimes. Don't get me wrong, she is a bad bitch, but she can be nice sometimes. Parents are Poppy and Lao, no siblings. 

6. Zuko-
Zuko, our redemption ark Firelord. He's nice, sweet, caring, but still awkward. That's never gonna change. He's dating Mai, and his mom is Ursa, who they found in the last book, and his dad is Ikem, or Noren. Siblings are Azula, half-sister, and Kiyi, real sister.

7. Suki-
Suki, our #1 hype girl at all times. She's the sweetest thing ever, dating Sokka. She doesn't have parents on my acc, sadly, and she's the lead Kyoshi Warrior. Or any siblings, so yeah. But she's super nice. 

8. Mai-
Mai, our emotionless queen. You know Mai, there's nothing out there that makes her more happy then her boyfriend, Zuko. She's blunt and sweet, though. She has her brother, Tom-Tom, and idrk who her parents are, and I'm not in the mood to search it up, so deal w that. 

9. Tylee-
Tylee, our incredibly energetic queen. I love her personality, there's not even one bad reason to hate it, nevermind a good one. She's super happy and sweet and caring, and she has 6 sisters, I think. And I don't give a fuck about her parents honestly. Sorry lol. 

10. Azula-
Azula, she finally got the redemption ark she deserved a few books back, idek which one. She's Ursa and Ozai's son, and she's really nice, but can be snippy at sometimes. Her half-siblings are Zuko and Kiyi. Basically a Fire Nation Katara's personality. 

11. Timber-
An O.C I made, deal w it. So, he's nice. He's basically a serious Sokka, like, if Sokka wasn't always kidding around. But he's still fun and nice. I don't think he has any siblings, and Spirits know who his parents are. He's dating Katora, who was found in the last book. So, yeah. 

Ok, everyone. We finished the basic people. Now, listen. I know, the shit in this story is... well, shit. So I'm gonna give you the other people now. Almost everyone under there are o.c's, do deal w that. 

12. Hakoda-
You all should know this man, the father of Katara and Sokka. And now, Katora. He's really nice and sweet, and not that protective of his daughters, but still protective. His mom, I now know, is Kanna, or Gran Gran, and his dad is Pakku. He's dating Sukaya. 

13. Sukaya-
Uh, another O.C. There's a lot, so work with me here. She's dating Hakoda, and pregnant with twins, I think only one month by the end of the book, but I'm not done with it while I'm writing this, so tough shit. She's the mother to Kayo and Syka, a son and a daughter, so nice. 

14. Syka- 
Another O.C. She's really really nice, and she's sweet and caring. Her mom is Sukaya, dad's... well, not in the Mortal World. Her brother is Kayo, and she's dating Kano... don't get that mixed up lol. 

15. Kayo-
Syka's brother, and Sukaya's kid. He doesn't have a girlfriend, at least not where I am in the book atm. So he's nice, pretty much a non-awkward Zuko lol. 

16. Kano-
This guy's just Syka's boyfriend. He doesn't really have much of a backstory, that's all I even made about him. So, yeah. 

17. Igloo-
She's Katara and Sokka's childhood bestfriend, like Syka. Uh, her personality is like- Jade from victorious, if you know what that is lmao sorry

18. Oak- 
Igloo's boyfriend, and the sibling's friend, as well. His personality is nice and caring, but he can be snippy if you mess with his family/friends. So, there. 

19. Isuki-
She's a 16-year-old mother of two kids, Eliot, the 11-month-old, and Elise, the 4-month-old. She's engaged to Isok, her fiancé. And by the end of the book she's pregnant. 

Ok. We good? Good. Now just a few more. These people are the Spirits, k? They don't live in the Mortal World, they live in the Spirit World. So yay :)

20. Yue-
Do I have to do this? She's Yue. She's the nicest little thing on earth. And obvi she's single. She's the Moon Spirit, obviously!  :)

21. Agni-
Ok, this girl is our Sun Spirit. She's really nice, but she has Bipolar Disorder. Search it up, I can't explain it. So yeah :) She's the equivalent to Yue :)

22. Yuo-
Yuo is our Ocean Spirit. Y'know, like Yue, but.. Yu.. o. Uh, ...? Well, yeah. Yuo is nice, sweet, caring, and the only boy Water Spirit. Poor him. So, yeah :)

23. Agno-
Ok, Agno, our boy. He's the Spark Spirit, or something. I might change that if I remember what I originally had it as lol. So he's the equivalent to Yuo :)

24. Water-
She's... the Water Spirit. Just, the Water Spirit. I want to say she's really nice, because she is, but she can get annoyed easily, but she is really nice :)

25. Fire-
What do you think? The Fire Spirit. Yep!! He's just like Water, because he's the equivalent to her. So really nice, but gets annoyed easily, but still really nice :)

26. Cristal-
So, she's the Waterbender Spirit. She controls all of them. All of them. Nice, huh? She's pretty much a Spirit version of Tylee. Like, there's no difference :)

27. Flame-
Flame is the Firebender Spirit. I don't- He's the equivalent to her, so he's a boy Spirit version of Tylee. Deal with that, huh? :)

28. Saidie-
I don't know if I'll even add her in this book or the next one, but she's our amazing Salt Spirit. Because, you know, salt, ocean... idk ok?? Well, she's super nice. She's like me :)

29. Fang-
He's the equivalent to Saidie, the Dragon Spirit. You know, because, the whole entire episode on Dragons... I don't even know at this point. So, he's super nice. He's like me :)

30. Claire-
Again, don't know if she's being added this book or next one, but she's the Cold Spirit. I still don't even know, cold, snow, snow, water, right?! Well, she's our June. Remember her? With the giant shirshu? Yeah, her :)

31. Helia-
The only girl Fire Spirit, Helia, the Heat Spirit. Like, right? That works. So, she's the equivalent to Claire, so she's like June. Am I the only one who liked her, a little bit, like, she's so unique and she's not a supporter. Love her :)


HIII!! YAY!! I didn't even know we had 36 people, bc i didn't do gran gran, pakku, elise, eliot, or isok, bc yall- it's w/ hakoda and isuki lol

so that's all of the people in this book, hopefully. I also have elsa and isla, but they're just two little girls without parents, and a couple took them in, so there. im sorry this is such shit lol

Have a nice day! (1340 words) (why is it so much)

Much love xx -Ema

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