Day 6- The Day of Red Moon (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Kissing, Screaming, Crying, 

Friday, June 15th, 4:00 am right now. 


Katara felt a light peck on her head, and stirred awake. Aang rubbed her back and looked deep into her eyes once she stared into his. 

"Morning, penguin." Katara smiled, giggled, and leaned up to kiss him. Aang lent down and replied half-way, kissing his girlfriend. 

Once they broke off, they lent their foreheads on each other's. "Remember when you played truth or dare with the girls?" Katara nodded, not moving her head away from Aang's. 

"Remember when your sister asked you to explain in words how much you loved me?" 

Katara nodded, not knowing where this was going. "I can't explain in words how much I love you, either. I could go on a rant for the rest of my life, and it wouldn't be even close to enough." 

Katara let her tears out, Aang doing the same. "Same, sweetie. It wouldn't be even close to an eighth of enough." Aang let a tear fall on Katara's hair as he held her in the crook of his neck. Katara blushed and cuddled up into him. 

"Today's the day." 

Aang nodded and rubbed her back calmly in circles. "Can you fight?" Katara squeaked. Aang nodded again. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me." Katara cuddled her face into his neck more. 

"I'm gonna worry about you. You're my life, Aang. I can't lose you for the third time," she muttered. Aang rubbed circles on the small of her back. "You won't. I'll take it easy and shoot from the sky. They don't have any cannons anymore." 

Katara was still worried, though. "Can I come with you? I missed you a lot." Aang smiled. "You just want to protect me." Katara nodded. "Yeah, I do." 

"Of course, sweetie. Honestly, I'd rather be with you then alone. But we can't do that. The Tribe needs you more than anybody. You can't stay with me," Aang whispered in her ear. 

Katara let out a small whimper hearing his breath in her ear. Aang heard it and smiled, bringing her face up to his and kissing her. Katara kissed back, sweetly and lovingly. 

After a minute, they broke off. Katara put her face back in his neck for another 5 minutes before they had to get up. 


"Uh... sir?" 

Aang rolled his eyes and sat down in between Sokka and Katara. "Just Aang. What?" Hakoda looked at him, confused as hell, as he held Katara's hand under the table. She blushed and held it back. 

"Weren't you.... You're.... Can you...?" Aang smiled and nodded. "Don't worry. I'm fine." Hakoda nodded. "Uhm, ok. Well, we sent all the ships to the Southern Air Temple yesterday. Everyone in this room is the only people left here." 

Aang turned around and saw a few people. Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, Azula, Mai, Tylee, Katora, Timber, El, Al, Oak, Igloo, Hakoda, Bato, and a few other people. 

"Did you guys end up finding Ursa?" he asked, turning to Zuko, who nodded. "Mhm. She and Iroh decided to dip from the ship and follow with On Ji to the Fire Nation." Aang nodded and smiled. 

"Ok. So what's our battle plan?" 

Hakoda explained the plan to everyone, and Aang etched it into his brain. But he honestly didn't need to; he wasn't even in it. 

"What about me/him?" Katara and Aang asked at the same time. They both blushed the tiniest bit as Aang squeezed her hand. 

"Uh, well, we don't have a plan for you, Aang. We didn't think you'd be awake by now. So I think it's just best if you stay back and rest. We can send you to the-" 

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