Day 2- Games (1-part day)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Kissing,

Wednesday, June 11th, 3:00 am right now.


Katara gasped and bolted awake, only to be greeted by the Avatar shaking her up. In her surprise, her lips crashed into his. They should've pulled off immediately, but they didn't. Everything poured out once again.

Once Aang realized what was going on, he grabbed Katara's wrists and pinned them above her head, kissing her roughly. Katara let out a moan and kissed him back, loving every second of it.

She used the last bit of strength in her wrists and pushed him off, stunning him. "I- I'm sorry," he whispered, getting up. She frowned. "Nothing to be sorry about," she whispered, pushing him down onto the grass.

He smirked as she pressed her lips to his, kissing him once again. He let out all the butterflies and kissed her back passionately, his hands reaching for her hips. He griped her hips tight as she held tight onto his head, trying her hardest not to dig her nails into his scalp.

He let out a deep moan when she deepened the kiss again, and Katara loved hearing that noise come from him. She's never felt like this before with anyone. Aang's special.

Katara moaned as Aang kissed her back roughly a little bit, before she instantly felt something blinding her eyes. She accidentaly bit Aang's lip and broke off, feeling horrible.

"I'm sorry, Aang," she whispered, fixing her hair and getting back in her sleeping bag. "It doesn't hurt. And don't be sorry. I loved that," he replied, rubbing his head. She has a strong grip.

"Y- you did?" she asked, her voice not over a whisper. He nodded and lent in. "I l-"

"Aang, why the hell are you in here?" Suki asked, opening Katara's tent. He backed away from Katara and stood up, blushing like crazy.

"I was just asking Katara a question. I couldn't sleep. Sorry," he replied. "Oh, it's nothing. Zuko just told me to find you because you have firebending practice or something. And don't lie to me, I am so happy right now," she smirked. Aang froze and bolted outside.

"Does he really?" Katara asked, watching her bestfriend sit down. "Mhm. He just had to walk up to Sokka and I's tent and throw a rock at me so I could find Aang. It's 3 am, dude, let me sleep," she complained. Katara giggled and felt her blush finally go away.

"So, what did I just hear while standing outside?" Suki asked. Katara's blush came back and she hid her face with her sleeping bag. "Uh, we might have kissed," she whispered. "You sure that's it?" Katara squealed. "Suki! He's 13 years old, you have to shut the hell up!" Suki started laughing quietly.

"Y'all are lucky I walked in before he said he loves you. Why the hell can't you guys wait until the war's over? The comet's in, like, 2 weeks. It'll be over in 3. You guys really can't wait another month?" Suki asked.

"I waited 3 weeks for him to come back to the land of the living," Katara pointed out. Suki winced and nodded. "True. But he'll be alive," she tried. "Yeah, which means it'll be harder to keep my feeling secret," she said. "We'll be at Ember Island by Friday. Wait for the 4 days. Just trust me on this." And with that, Suki gave Katara a peck on the cheek and left her groaning in her room.

Katara bolted awake, sweating and panting. She turned to see Aang flickering and jerking next to her, not knowing he was having the same dream. Katara flashed quicker than light, placing Spirit Water on his chest.

He stopped jerking around but continued flickering. Katara sighed and leaned down to give him a soft kiss, to which he just lay there, obviously unconscious.

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