Day 8- Dates (part 2)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Kissing, Cuddling, Oogie-Trigger, Crying,


Psycho was randomly tackled to the ground and being punched in the jaw. He gasped as he got the smallest glimpse of the blue tattoos on the hand punching him before being punched in the eyes. 

"Aang! Get off him!" Sokka snapped, running towards the Avatar. "Dude, what the hell? What the fuck am I doing to you guys?" Psycho asked, getting up and dusting his clothes. 

Sokka handed Aang to his father, who had a hard time keeping Aang from punching the waterbender. Sokka kneed Psycho in his groin and he fell in pain, letting Sokka handcuff him. 

"Jail, thank you very much." 

"Dude?! What the fuck did I do to you guys?!" he asked, trying to surpass the pain. "What did-" 

"You fucking hurt Katara!" Aang snapped, interrupting Sokka, trying to get out of Hakoda's grip. His grip just tightened on the Avatar, leaving him crying and trying to get out even more. 

"That was a year ago! Can you guys let anything go?!" he asked, kicking at the floor. "You ass-bag. Go die in a hole. You're either gonna answer me, or I'm releasing Aang on you. Did you rape my daughter?" Hakoda asked, his hand clenching on Aang's shoulder. 


Hakoda lessened his grip on Aang, who tried getting through, but failed. 

"Ok, ok, I did! But it was long ago! I swe-" 

Hakoda let go of Aang, tears in his eyes, as he held back Sokka. Aang was enough, poor boy. Sokka wouldn't resent from killing him. 

"No! Please! I'm sorry! Let go of me! I'm sorry! Please!" he cried, trying to get out of Aang's grip. "Shut the fuck up and let him kill you!" Sokka barked, trying to get out of his father's grip. 

Aang sent a few punches to his ribs until he heard cracks. He grabbed his leg and snapped it up. He grabbed his right arm and snapped it. He cracked the guy's neck to the left. 

Hakoda winced at all the blood coming out of the kid's body. He put Sokka down and grabbed Aang, holding him and his son, dragging them both back to the meeting room. 

"Aang, keep it on the low. The guards here don't give a shit if you're the Avatar, they'll arrest you," Hakoda said. "As for you, Sokka, that's who I raised." Aang's eyes widened. 

"She's my girlfriend! He hurt her! What do you expect me to do, Hakoda, sir, just leave him be? I'm sorry, but that's far out of my capability." 

Hakoda smirked. "And that's the daughter I raised. To chose an amazing boyfriend like you, Aang. And I thank you for caring about her so incredibly much. I couldn't have asked for someone better for her." Aang smiled slightly. 

"I'm sorry I'm being such an asshole, sir. I just don't like seeing the guy who abused and raped my girlfriend and then chased us across the world." Hakoda chuckled. 

"It's ok, Aang. And quit calling me sir!" Aang blushed a little. "Sorry, Hakoda, sir- Hakoda! Ah!" Sokka and his father burst out laughing.

"Finally! I thought he killed you or something!" Katara screamed, grabbing her crutches and wobbling over to her brother and her boyfriend. Hakoda let go of both of them and pecked his daughter on the head before sitting down. 

"Katara, I said not to walk," Aang teased. She smiled and pecked him on the cheek before sitting back down in her chair. "Wow, thanks for the love, sis," Sokka teased. She rolled her eyes as her brother gave her a soft pat on the head. 

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