Day 9- Once Upon A Time (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Stories, Kissing, Pecks, Fighting, Violence, Tricks, Oogie-Trigger, Happy Feelings, Crying, (damn thats a lot sorry lol)

Monday, June 18th, 9:00 am right now. 


"Come on, Aang! Please?" 

Suki burst out laughing at the sight of her boyfriend bugging the Avatar. Aang just groaned. "Sokka, I'm not giving you Ozai's firebending." Zuko and Azula burst out laughing at this. "You want to be like Ozai? Come on, Sokka, I raised you better than that," Katara smacked the back of his head. "You didn't raise him, Sugar Queen," Toph said. 

"Yeah she did," her twin said. "You weren't even there," Mai pointed out. "Spirit Twins are the same person in two different bodies." Tylee raised an eyebrow. "But the twins are so different. And you don't have Kitty Kat's rage." The two shrugged. 

"Please, Aang? Just for a few minutes!" Sokka pleaded, his eyes begging his friend. Aang groaned. "Why the hell do you want Ozai's firebending for a few minutes, Sokka? I'd gladly give you any other Element, but Ozai's firebending?"

Katara bent over in laughter, her sister doing the same. Timber snorted, and it turned into a laugh. "I just want to know what it's like to be a bender!" Aang rolled his eyes. "Then why can't I give you legit any other Element? Why firebending? And why Ozai's?" Sokka shrugged, still begging. "I don't know!" 

"Snoozles, didn't you say that fire was a stupid Element before the Invasion?" Toph asked. Sokka rolled his eyes. "Yeah, before the war ended." Mai let out a snort with a smirk as her boyfriend and his sister burst out laughing, Tylee burst out giggling. 

"Oh, Spirits, Sokka, I'll either give you waterbending, or nothing." Sokka nodded. "Ok, I can work with that." Suki started laughing along with her friends. "Sweetie, where'll you get waterbending from?" Katara asked, leaning into her arm on the armrest of the chair she was sitting on. 

"I don't need to take someone's bending away to give them bending," he replied, sitting down next to her. "You don't?" Sokka asked. Aang shook his head. "Why didn't you say something? I don't even like firebending, but I thought that's all you had!" Everyone but Mai burst out laughing again. 

"Princess Katara?" a little girl asked, walking into the room. Katara smiled and turned to the door. "Sweetie, it's just Katara. What's up?" The little girl took a strand of her hair and played with it. "There's a few Earth Nation ships at the border." Aang's head whipped around to the little girl, along with Zuko's. "Earth Nation?" Sokka asked. 

"You're joking, right?" Toph asked, wrapping another bandage around the hole in her hand. "No. I don't know, but they said that they want to talk to someone with 'The Kya Curse.'" Katara, Katora, and Sokka gasped, leaving everyone confused. "Excuse me?" Azula asked. "Someone fill us in?" 

Katara grabbed her crutches and flew out the door, Aang legit at her heels. Katora sat there in shock as her brother followed the two out. "The fuck is 'The Kya Curse?'" Toph asked. "It's mom's curse. She was incredibly beautiful, so all the men would try to be with her, but they were all like Psycho and Jukayo and shit. Also the rage. Katara inherited all of it, I didn't," Katora explained. 

"Shit," Zuko muttered, running out of the room. Suki, Mai, Tylee, and Katora bolted out the door, leaving Toph and Azula sitting there. "We should go, right?" the earthbender asked. Azula nodded and they both ran out of the caste after their friends. 

"Who's looking for me?" Katara asked. Aang managed to catch his breath and held her behind him. "Speak up, or face us, coward!" Suddenly, someone came out of the lead ship. Someone Team Avatar never expected to see ever again. 

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