Day 4- Wow (part 1)

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Warning! Contains: Swearing, Kissing, Labor, Screaming, Crying,

Wednesday, June 13th, 8:00 am right now.


"Isok. Isok, can you come here?"

The warrior walked over to his girlfriend, who was cramping on their bed. "What's up, love?" She smiled up at him before pating the bed next to her and managing to sit up straight.

"Is something wrong, Suki?"

She shook her head with a small smile on her face. "Listen to me. Hear me out on this. I understand if you leave me. I understand if you hate me. I understand if you never want to see me again. But just this once, listen to me."

"Holy shit, are you pregnant?" he asked. Her eyes widened and she slowly nodded. "How the hell did you know?" His pupils dilated and he pulled her into a hug.

"We're staring a family? I'm gonna be a dad? You're gonna be a mom? Isuki, this is the best news ever!" he whisper-shouted, holding her in his arms and rocking them back and forth on the bed.

"I'm so glad you feel that way. Because I kinda wanna keep the kid," she teased. He smiled and kissed her warmly. She kissed him back, doing her best, and failing, to not smile against it.

"Let's not tell anyone just yet, though," she said. He nodded and kissed her again, so happy he can't explain it.

----5 months later----

"Isok! Call Kanna!" Isuki screamed, clutching at her somewhat big stomach. Isok's eyes opened and he jumped off the bed in the middle of the night, running out the door to get Kanna.

He bolted back inside with Kanna at his heels, looking at his girlfriend, who was in so much pain, cramping over her stomach.

"Isuki, stay calm. I think that the baby is coming. I need you to let me take them out," Kanna said calmly, trying to calm down the woman. She screamed in pain.

"5 months early?! How is that- AHHH- possibleEEE?" she yelped, trying to lay down straight. "I don't know, dear. I know Kya had Katara 4 months early, and now look at here. Perfectly amazing. Now stay calm and quiet so I can get the kid out," she replied.

---a few minutes later---

"It's a boy, Isuki. You did amazing. Just get some rest. I'll handle everything." Isuki smiled and went to sleep, recovering from such a painful birth.

"Goodnight, love. I'll be here when you wake up," Isok said, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "I'll take care of the boy. Thank you for the cutest little thing I could ever imagine. Besides you, of course." This made her smile lightly before drifting off to sleep.


"Ok, then... who the hell are Elise's parents?" Katara asked. "Us. We had Elise only around 7 months after Eliot was born," Isok replied. Katara rubbed her temples softly.

"You... you have two kids," Katora confirmed. The couple nodded. "Then where the fuck is your 11-month-old?!" Sokka snapped. Isuki winced. "With Irene. We heard you kids were coming to visit so we only told you about Elise." Katara groaned.

"Well, that's fantastic news! What else're you gonna tell us? You have 25 foster kids? Come on, Suks, I thought we were friends! What the hell?!"

Isuki sniffled slowly. "I have to go find him, anyways. I'm so sorry, Katara, Katora, Sokka. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

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