Day 3- Home (part 2)

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Warning! Contains: Crying, Cussing, Mention of Blood, Period, Kissing, Pecks,

3rd person:

"Hey, Elise, shhh," Katara cooed, cradling the crying baby in her arms. Katara sighed and put her in the crib next to her bed, trying to shush her.

"Wahhh! Wahhh!" Katara sighed again and brushed a hand against Elise's light, pale, soft cheek. The babay shivered and continued to cry.

"Leaves from the vine." Elise turned to look at Katara, not stopping her miniature fit. "Falling so slow." She had quieted down now, but not completely.

"Like tiny, fragile, shells, drifting in the snow." Elise stopped crying and looked up at Katara in a confused way, as if to ask why she was the one crying now.

"Leaves from the fine, falling so slow." Katara choked out a sob and wasn't able to continue as she saw Elise close her eyes happily, a small smile on her face.

"Little soldier boy. Comes marching home." Katara turned to find Zuko with his hands tucked into his pockets, leaning on the doorframe. She smiled at him through her tears before continuing to cry at the little baby, now sleeping.

"Brave soldier boy. Comes marching home," she sobbed. Zuko walked over to her and hugged her from behind. She sobbed as he helped her up and into her bed, letting her fall asleep.

"I'm sorry, Zuko, you shouldn't have to wait on me," she whispered. He shook his head, lightly playing with her hair. "It's ok, sis. You're tired. Just so to sleep. It'll be ok," he whispered back. She let out another choked sob.

"I miss him."

Those three words were enough to get Zuko's tears pooling out of his eyes, as well. He let them fall down his cheeks, past his jaw, and watched as they landed on the comforter.

"I miss him so much. He's all I need. I need him to hold me and love me again."

This took Zuko aback. He literally died for the girl. How could he not love her? "Katara, he loves you so much. You're his entire world," he whispered, turning a little bit to the left to see the unconscious airbender in the bed next to Katara.

"He hates me! It's all my fault that he's gone," she whispered. Elise stirred a little bit before going back to sleep in her crib.

"Just sleep, Katara. He'll be alright. I'll feed Elise. Don't worry," he whispered. She shut her eyes tight and let a few more tears fall out before obeying and trying to sleep.

Zuko gave her a small kiss on her head before walking out of the room to find Mai at the door. He smiled and pulled her outside. Once she was against the wall, he gave her a long kiss.

Mai smiled. "You like her?" Zuko shook his head and gave her a small peck. "Just you. She's my sister, Mai. Don't worry." She smiled again and nodded.

"Well, I have to go see why the hell Kuzon and Kyza are here. You know, because they're supposed to be looking over your country. So go feed Elise. I got everything taken care of."

Zuko sighed in frustration. "These kids are gonna be the end of me and my job, thank you very much. Thanks, love, I owe you," he replied. She smiled and pecked him once more before going to find them.

Zuko knocked on the meeting room door. "Who's there?" Hakoda asked. "Zuko. I just need Isuki for a second," he replied. The door opened and Zuko popped his head in.

"Just need the bottle to feed Elise," he said. Isuki smiled and nodded. "I'll get it. Can I be excused for a second?" Hakoda nodded and she walked out the door, Zuko following her.

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